Do Women Care More About Health Than Men?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

If your household runs anything like mine, then every time you turn around someone (I won’t name names, but HE is a man, maybe the father of your offspring) sabotages your efforts to promote a healthful lifestyle. It’s one thing if they want to pollute their own bodies with the likes of Doritos, Bugles, and soda, but back away from the kids; and keep that tempting snack parade out of our sight!
Look, we are trying to stay on the path of good health here…on a daily basis; the least they (nameless sources of frustration in the area of health and wellness) could try to care just a little about the well being of our families. Don’t get me wrong, they (the men) love us; this just isn’t a topic that lives in their fore-brain longer than a millisecond at a time. Sorry guys.
What They Need to Know
Men need to know that we care about their health too. It’s not just that we women have to up each other with scoring big at the latest organic food sale, making the yummiest eggplant, or discovering the fastest way to washboard abs, but it’s the principle that WE have this life to live; we might as well live it in health and look fabulous while doing it – the responsible way. Not to mention we need to set a good example for our children…BTW, in case Mr. Donut Dad didn’t notice, they see everything; they copy everything. Period.
You Must Let Your Man Read This
I say get off your @%&es and do something for yourself and your family. Be fit and healthy, or at least give it a good try…for longer than a week. You have no idea how jealous we women are of your manly ability to burn fat and build muscle with minimal effort. You could literally get your biceps back, your pecs off your belly, and shrink the spare tire (yeah, the one that looks like your carrying twins) within a few short weeks or months.
You love to watch us stay in shape (miraculously…or so you think) and be simply lovely in that sexy dress. Well, we deserve the same eye candy from you. I personally enjoy seeing firm pecs and a tight rear on a man. Here’s the other thing: What if something happens to you because you’ve not taken care of yourself all these years? What if you leave your family suddenly because your arteries are clogged with Mickey D’s and Dunkin Donuts? That’s what I thought. You haven’t thought about that because it’s too morbid and negative. There are positive reasons to be healthy; dwell on those instead.
The Reality
Men need our help to get started. They also need to have a good reason to endure such a lifestyle change – just as we do. It might be your new project; it might be that he will just wise up and go for it (HaHaHa…). At least make sure that he gets regular check ups and actually tells you what the Doc said. He may not want to be honest if it’s bad. Be gentle. Tell him the things that concern you. Hopefully, he will get the hint and make better choices for himself and the family. What ever you do, don’t let him do the grocery shopping…at least not alone.
So, to answer the question I posed in the title, yes, I believe women care more about health and wellness than men do. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Tell us how well the man in your life takes care of himself. Also, please share if your man is the health buff and you tend to be the one who slacks in this area. Be well-be beautiful…you men too.

About Telepathy

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This Free 10 Minutes Binaural Frequency and Tips Page explains about some different kinds of software which helps the brain to enhance its abilities. There are a lot of techniques available on this website, which comes at reasonable prices and are easy to download. One such technique is telepathy. This is explained in detail in the trailing paragraphs.
I hope all of you are aware of the concept called telepathy. However, for people who are new to this term here is a brief description of this concept. Telepathy is the process when one is able to understand the other’s thought process even without verbal communication. There are people who are able to understand what other people think, without directly communicating with them. The scientific reason behind this is that these people might unknowingly share the same frequency levels and hence the thoughts flow through these frequencies in the air.
It does help to know one’s thought process without communication, doesn’t it? It is at this time, that the telepathy software advertised in this site comes to our rescue. It gives various tips and tricks as to how to keep one’s mind clear and peaceful. Telepathy works only in situations where the mind is really relaxed. This software is very easy to download and it come at a very reasonable price.
The ability of telepathy is there in almost all human beings, it is just that we should learn to tap this potential. The mind should be really clear first to catch the thought processes. This software is very helpful to train the human mind and give it a very relaxed state. The telepathy abilities work well in certain frequency ranges only. Hence this software gives a list of steps to help the brain think effectively in these frequency ranges.
There are various recording beats in this software which helps to stimulate the brain to these conditions and relaxes it completely. The brain then becomes oblivious to the external circumstances and focuses only on those beats at the particular frequency ranges. This increases the telepathy abilities of the brain to a great extent. It is always good to keep the brain in a very relaxed state, so that it is able to absorb the frequency signals correctly.
Telepathy works wonders in improving relationships. Just imagine a situation like this. The husband understands what his wife thinks, even without the wife directly saying that to him. He behaves exactly the way his wife wants and gets her exactly what she wanted. Will you not envy this lucky wife who has got a husband who just loves her so much that he knows what goes through in her mind even without communication? That is the power of telepathy. If one wants to improve relationships, focus more on other commitments, bring stability to life and have a relaxed mindset always, one has to improve his powers of telepathy. Nobody is a specialist in telepathy. Some call it instincts, some call it intuition, however, the concept remains the same. With proper training, anybody can become an expert in telepathy.

Herbal Precautions to be taken to prevent Swine Flu

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear all,.
One of our group member has requested for some herbal precaution from swine flu.
I can suggest you to do following things:
1. Do regular Pranayam (at least 1 hour every morning) to strengthen your immune system. I recommend to watch Swami Ramdev on Aastha channel at 5 am every morning and do all the things taught by him which are easier to follow and very effective.
2. Take a herbal food supplement called "Giloy Satva" in Hindi and "Gulvel Satva" in Marathi, which is available at almost all ayurvedic medicine stores. It should be taken one teaspoonfull with pure honey everyday for at least 10-15 days.
3. Drink "Tulsi Ark" or "Godhan Ark" every morning with lukewarm water, or just chew 5 leaves of Tulsi every morning.

New Health Care Deadline

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf reports: Senate Finance Committee negotiations for a bipartisan health reform bill got back underway this afternoon with a new deadline.
When things
reached a perilous moment last Thursday and the six negotiators met alone, no staff, in a cramped office in the Capitol building to find a way forward, they agreed to work through the summer recess to find middle ground.
Congress has until September 15. Waiting any longer would put Democrats in danger of not being able to use their ace in the hole –
the procedural tactic in the budget process known as reconciliation – to pass a more piecemeal health reform overhaul without Republican support. The Sept. 15 date is written in pencil and not officially announced, it would seem, but hard to move.
And this newest deadline is already causing new obstacles among the negotiators. The Democrats seem to realize that September 15 is the date beyond which they cannot continue to negotiate.
As Kent Conrad
told ABC’s David Chalian and Jon Karl on "Top Line" Friday, “My anticipation is that we will produce a package in September -- in the first part of September, the first half of September, and if we don’t we’ll have to go in a different direction."
Republican Mike Enzi, however, fired back Monday in a paper statement that he agreed to no such deadline.
Said Enzi: “I have not and will not agree to an artificial deadline because I am committed to getting health care reform right, not finishing a bill by some arbitrary date. Improving access to quality, affordable health care for American families is too important to do hastily... We’re making progress, but we still have several significant, outstanding items to work on. I won’t be moved by partisan threats to misuse the budget reconciliation process. I am committed to getting health care reform right,” he said.
But it seems like after that date, Democrats, if they want to pass something, will have to fall back on the partisan approach. So Enzi could keep negotiating after that date, but it might be in a very lonely room.

President takes health-care battle to battleground states

Saturday, August 1, 2009

(CNN) President Barack Obama takes his battle for health-care reform to two battleground states Wednesday.
The president will hold a town hall at Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina and another later at a Kroger supermarket in Bristol, Virginia, along the Tennessee border.
When the president leaves the nation's capital for events across the country, the location matters. And North Carolina and Virginia matter.
Both states hold important elections over the next year and a half. In North Carolina, Republican Senator Richard Burr is up for re-election next year. In Virginia, Democrats are trying to hold on to the governor's office in this November's election.
Next week, Obama campaigns in Virginia with the Democrats' gubernatorial candidate, Creigh Deeds.
While 2012 may be a long way down the political road, presidential campaign politics may also be at play. Both states are considered swing or battleground states, which both parties think they have a chance of winning and will fight for in the next race for the White House. Obama won both states last year, the first Democrat to win a presidential election in North Carolina since 1976 and Virginia since 1964.This is Obama's second trip to both states since taking over in the White House in January. It may just be coincidence, but many of the states Obama has visited since his January 20 inauguration — Virginia, Indiana, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, New Mexico, and Nevada — are all potential battlegrounds in the next presidential contest.
"The White House doesn't make decisions on presidential visits by chance," says Stuart Rothenberg, editor in chief of the non-partisan Rothenberg Political Report.Obama is no stranger to Bristol, Virginia. On June 5, 2008, at the end of the Democratic primaries, he kicked off his general election campaign in the southwestern Virginia city. And he last campaigned in Raleigh in late October, just days before the presidential election.
"Has the next presidential campaign started? No, the last campaign never really ended," adds CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider.

Discover the All Natural Excessive Sweating Treatments

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Are you suffering from excessive sweating? If you answered yes, then you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are experiencing excessive sweating and still looking for the best excessive sweating treatments.
Excessive sweating problem is more than a disease but it’s also a social stigma. This problem makes you avoid social scenes like parties and dates. You live in a constant fear, wondering if you smell bad or not and feel embarrassed by your appearance. Shirts get wet especially on areas where there are more active sweat glands like the armpits. Even productivity at work is affected. Imagine worrying or distracted by excessive underarm or hands sweating while working? It’s a dilemma that you need to overcome by finding the best excessive sweating treatments.
Some people desperate to find the best excessive sweating treatments tried everything they could think of like prescription and over the counter antiperspirants, lotions, creams and even oral medicines. Some shower 3x a day and even went home in between breaks (from school or work) to take a bath to relieve their excessive sweating. They even try to wear undershirts to absorb the sweat before it could reach the outer shirt. There are people so desperate that thy even purchase a device that uses electric current to stop excessive sweating and worst spend a huge amount of money on surgeries to stop excessive sweating.
While the above mentioned treatments can provide temporary relief, a large percentage of people still experience little or no effects on the treatments they’ve tried. If you are one of those people who have tried everything but found no or little relief to your excessive sweating problems, then there is another option for you and this is the all natural way to stop excessive sweating.
Discover the best excessive sweating treatments. Did you know that you can stop excessive sweating permanently through natural methods and without side effects? Discover the all-natural techniques for fast & safe relief from excessive perspiration. Imagine how much more confident you’d be without your sweating problem visit
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To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty.

Women's Health and Hormones

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Health and fitness is the prime concern for many people in the modern world. This can be due to the increasing awareness about health care and body fitness among the people. General failing health of the members of the society can also be one of the reasons why people are now paying more attention to health and fitness to prevent suffering from the same fate.This awareness has particularly become very common among women of all ages probably because it is a woman’s nature to look beautiful and attractive, and these health issues can cause a hindrance in this objective. It has been commonly observed that the overall health of women declines more rapidly than men as they become older. They may also have many associated problems which have a higher chance of occurrence among women than men of the same age, for example arthritis.These days’ women pay a lot of attention to their health and join many fitness programs to maintain their health and overall body fitness. There are many reasons besides age factor which may cause health problems and hormonal imbalance among women. However, there are a few tricks by which they can delay this downfall in health.Diet plays a very important part in the overall fitness and strength of women. There are many women who do not pay much attention to their diet, and though they may look fine in their youth, they would have to suffer dire consequences as they get older. Lack of general strength and losing the toned shape of the body are two of the most prominent problems faced by women these days.Some women are very cautious about their diet but they do not even overdo dieting, nor do they consume excessive calories. Such women are always successful in maintaining a well balanced and healthy life. The key to success is balance in everything you do, and excess of anything is dangerous for everyone. If you consume too many calories and keep on eating junk food, then fat starts to accumulate in the body and may cause diseases like heart and liver problems, not to mention the destruction of a toned body as well.

On the other hand, if you limit the food and calorie intake too much, then there is a chance of developing general weakness which will create problems in old age in the form of weak bones, aching joints, and hormonal problems. Hormonal problems are also caused by fat accumulation in the body. The fatty acids produced cause a hormonal imbalance, and thus make it hard to get rid of all the extra fat.Non-organic dairy products are very dangerous for health because these products are made from the milk of cows which are treated with hormonal medicines and steroids which are in turn present in the milk. They have adverse effects on the female hormonal system, and thus an imbalance may be created which might even trigger hormonal changes to occur at an earlier stage than they would have under normal conditions.Products like coffee, cold drinks, sugar, black tea, etc are also very dangerous for the hormonal system. They have a negative impact on the hormonal system, and thus create an imbalance in the hormones. Proper exercise would also benefit the body and burn extra fats in the body thus ensuring a longer healthier life.Are you looking for fitness singles? We can help you find fitness personals as your fitness partner for daily workout

Where there's smoke,there's ire?

Friday, May 29, 2009

I need some advice. I have a relatively new friend who has recently started smoking and I’m not sure if I should try to do something about it. I try to practice compassion and remain nonjudgmental toward my friends and loved ones, but smoking is a huge pet peeve of mine. Having never been a smoker myself, I view it as a disgusting, destructive habit and I simply can’t understand the appeal. On the other hand, I’m not without my own vices, so who am I to judge anyone else for theirs? Besides, my friend is a smart adult who has all the facts. He’s informed of the well-publicized dangers of smoking and has chosen to go ahead and light up anyway. Is it really my place to say something?
This isn’t the first time I’ve been in this situation. My best friend has been smoking since before we met, over 16 years ago. I’ve watched him try to quit at least six or seven times, without success. His father, a chief pathologist at a well-known hospital, has warned him over and over of the dangers he’s exposing himself to, but nothing seems to be sufficient motivation for him to quit for good. He always starts up again within a few weeks of trying to quit. At this point in our friendship, I’ve pretty much stopped trying to convince him to give up smoking - I guess I’ve resigned myself to the fact that he’s a smoker and will always be one. But facing this dilemma with another friend has brought the issue up in my mind once again.
What do you think? Should I just keep my opinions to myself or should I express my concern and try to convince him to quit? And can any of you ex-smokers share your experiences with successfully giving up cigarettes?


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The United States spends about 16 percent of the country’s gross domestic product on health care, significantly more per capita than any other nation. It is the only industrialized country that does not mandate access to health insurance for all citizens.
Since taking office, President Obama has said he would reform the health care system so that Americans can gain access to more affordable health care. Many presidents, with varying degrees of success, have tried to implement major health care changes. Health care has been among the most debated political topics since World War II as there are disagreements over whether all Americans should be required to have health insurance and over how much of a role the government should play in providing health care.
The Obama administration has said that reducing health care costs will play an important role in strengthening the American economy. On May 11, the president came a step closer to meeting that goal, by gaining support from an unlikely ally: health care providers. Representatives from hospitals, the insurance industry, pharmaceutical companies and others came to the White House to discuss ways they can help reduce health care costs by $2 trillion over the next decade.
“What’s brought us all together today is a recognition that we can’t continue down the same dangerous road we’ve been traveling for so many years; that [health care] costs are out of control; and that reform is not a luxury that can be postponed, but a necessity that cannot wait,” Obama said.
By working together with health care providers, the president hopes he will be able to bring about significant reforms. President Obama has said he seeks a health care system in which all people can have coverage, but that does not mean the United States will switch to a system used by many European countries and Canada in which citizens are automatically given taxpayer-supported insurance.
For more on the health care debate in the United States, see “
Reforming Health Care Will Strengthen Economy, Obama Says.”

Aloe Vera - The Homicide of Hair Loss

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So you’re going bald. Maybe you are even already bald. Well, there’s millions things you can do. You can elect for surgery, take the medications, and use the laser hair therapy. You’ve even tried lemon juice and an assortment of other natural cure-alls. Well, have you tried Aloe Vera? It’s natural and proven to help with hair loss and hair rejuvenation.
Many people use
Aloe Vera for thicker and healthier hair. It works. You can apply it to any part of the scalp and it can promote hair re-growth or prevent hair from falling out. Aloe contains anti-inflammatory which help stop hair loss. There are a lot of people out there that just don’t believe such a cheap and easy to use product can prevent hair loss. Native Americans have been using this product for centuries and you very rarely see a Native American that is bald or that has a bad head of hair. They are known for their full and shiny heads of hair.
Large amounts of money are spent on hair rejuvenation products with no results or some nasty side effects. People just don’t believe such an affordable thing you can buy at the super market can re-grow hair or prevent you from losing it in the first place.
Aloe Vera is found in many shampoos and conditioners. It can be rubbed in and left for a bit of time and rinsed out and it will help make your hair healthier and keep those wonderful follicles producing hair.
It can be used to lose stress as well. It helps the blood flow to the hair. You may already be using it in your brand named shampoo or conditioner and just don’t know it. This herb is a wonderful thing that can keep you from buying wigs or doing that super comb over we all love to look at.
An Aloe Vera gel containing coconut milk with a small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo can promote healthy hair and hair growth and maintenance. Aloe Vera conditioners contain the right amount of natural herbs and oils and with proper use help out your hair so much it is indescribable. Each one is pH balanced, prepared without alcohol, and petroleum based ingredients. Aloe Vera jojoba helps you to have healthier and shinier hair.
I hope you got as much out of reading this article as I got out of writing it. It is obvious that Aloe Vera products are good, not only for the person losing hair, but even for the person that just wants to have a nice, healthy and shiny head of hair. It is such an affordable and simple solution there’s no reason you shouldn’t go out and grab some right now. There’s no reason not to try other solutions, but Aloe Vera can definitely help, even if you’re not going bald.
Related Articles:

Just How Bad Is U.S. at Controlling Health-Care Costs?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

“You can’t fix the economy,” President Obama has said, “without fixing health care.” Which makes sense, given the soaring costs and wastefulness of the American health-care system, right?
Wrong, says Shikha Dalmia, a senior analyst at the
Reason Foundation. After crunching some numbers at, she concludes that countries with universal coverage have fared worse economically than the United States in recent years as well as during the current financial crisis. And she says these countries generally haven’t done a significantly better job of controlling health-care costs, either:
Indeed, between 1990 and 2003, the rate of growth of America’s per capita spending [on health care] was 3.6%, only a little bit higher than France, Germany and Japan’s–but significantly lower than England’s 4.2%. That’s striking given that England engages in the most aggressive rationing known to the free world, routinely delaying care to patients unless they are critically ill.
However, Canada, which too indirectly rations care for many specialized treatments by putting patients in queues, has succeeded in limiting per capita spending to 2.4%. At best, then, universal coverage has a mixed record in controlling health care spending increases, even after resorting to rationing.
All in all, there is no major industrialized economy with universal coverage that has performed as well–let alone better–than the United States in the last decade. Universal coverage might not be the cause of their inferior performance. But the crucial point is that there is zero evidence that it has put them on a more solid footing. Before applying this exotic therapy to America, Obama needs to offer more than mere hunches that it will work. He needs to offer actual evidence.
Do you agree? Or can you provide the evidence to support Mr. Obama is right?

How To Keep Your Skin Silky Smooth

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A face moisturizer will help you keep a liquid skin that means that you will have a smooth and beautiful creamy skin complexion. An effective form of beauty treatment, a facial can help your skin stay young and healthy. A hot trend in skincare is an organic facial. A popular new trend at spas is a honey facial.

Honey’s ability to retain water makes it a great ingredient for a facial. And some facial experts are even mixing honey with ground almonds to exfoliate dead skin cells from skin.

A honey facial will take away drab layers of dead skin cells and transform the skin to look vibrant and glowing

General Data About Diabetes - All About It

Monday, April 20, 2009

The exact cause of diabetes is not clear, however, lack of exercise and obesity are huge factors in the development of diabetes. Glucose is considered the body’s fuel. We get glucose from the foods that we eat.

It is not just sugar alone that is converted into glucose, but also starches and carbohydrates are chemically broken down into glucose. Without glucose your body would not function. All muscles and major organs in your body need glucose. But how does the glucose get to the proper destinations?

Insulin is the hormone that distributes the glucose to the liver, fat cells and muscles. A diabetic does not produce enough insulin or for some reason, his body is not able to process it effectively. When this happens the glucose stays in the blood and produces high blood sugar.
Diabetes can be classified into the following three types:

Type 1 Diabetes
In type 1 diabetes the body produces little or no insulin and daily injections of insulin are necessary to sustain life. This type is usually present from childhood and is also called insulin dependent diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes
It is the more common type of diabetes and usually develops in adulthood. With type 2 diabetes, the body is unable to effectively use the insulin produced. Most type 2 diabetics are managed by diet and oral medications.
Gestational Diabetes.

This type develops during pregnancy and usually goes away after the birth of the baby.
It is important to know the risks factor of diabetes. One of the biggest risks factors is a family history. If you have a parent or sibling with diabetes, your chances of developing diabetes are very good. Also being over 45 years of age, being obese, having poor eating habits or being of African American or Native American descent can increase your chance of becoming a diabetic.
If you have any of the above risk factors, be aware of the warning signs of diabetes. Contact you doctor if you have any of these signs and symptoms:
- Increased appetite- Increased thirst- Frequent urination- Slow healing cuts or infections- Increased amount of infections- Blurry vision
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, treatment will usually involve diet changes and oral medications. In more severe cases, insulin injections may be prescribed. Diabetes is manageable if the proper treatment regimen is followed. Talk with your doctor and a good diabetic educator. Have your doctor set you up an appointment with a registered dietician. She can show you what you can and cannot eat on a diabetic diet. Check your blood sugar levels frequently. Educate yourself about all the treatment options out there. Lose weight and become more active. Getting a diagnosis of diabetes is no reason to stop living. . Read more other article about
Health Care Online and Vitamins Health.
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All the Info College Students Need to Understand about Health Insurance

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It’s easy to forget about health insurance policies while planning an education. Most students are generally in the mindset where health insurance is the final thing on their mind. As a student in your teens you will believe that you are immortal and of course you’ll never become sick.

Unluckily, no matter how healthy a person is, it is no guarantee of their future health. A health insurance plan isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. For those students fortunate to be included in a family policy, most of them will extend to a college student until they reach twenty three. For students who do not currently have coverage through a family plan, an essential part of planning for school has to be obtaining an affordable health insurance plan.

What is fundamental in an insurance policy designed for students? Deductibles: A deductible is a yearly payment made prior to the medical benefits commencing, much like a car insurance plan. For example, if the deductible is $500, you have to pay that amount before getting financial benefits from the insurance plan. What is meant by the term co-pay? Once your deductible is covered, in general for every doctor’s visit, medicine, and operation you will need to contribute a part of the cost. That, put simply is a co-pay. What’s your area of coverage? Many policies are Health Maintenance Organization and Partnership for Prescription Assistance. This can mean certain specialists may not be in your authorized health professionals or not be included by your medical insurance policy. A directory of participating health providers are included with your health insurance plan, before you make your selection please look at this list with care. Catastrophic coverage: Be aware that there is frequently a limit on medical insurance designed for students especially as far as terminal illnesses are concerned, the amount of coverage included in virtually all student health insurance policies is in general smaller than any standard policy. Limitations: Student medical coverage policies may put in place various limits. Be sure to look over your policy to discover what your insurance covers.
For in-depth advice, you are advised to visit this excellent
prime source for student health care insurance information.

Have any insurance cards on your person everywhere. It’s not only impossible to plan for accidents or illness, they’re also liable to happen when it’s least expected. Make sure you are acquainted with your college health insurance plan even if you are included in a family insurance policy.

muscle gain truth review

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

by Sean Nalowanyj is a fitness and nutrition program that teaches a step by step process to building muscle mass, increased strength and burn away unwanted body fat.
The muscle-building program is based on the law of progressive overload it teaches you how using more weight with more repetitions will build strength in the quickest possible way. By alternating a specific series of weight lifting exercises and following a sensible nutritional routine,you will build shirt ripping muscles without the use of nutritional supplements, expensive gym equipment or steroids.
Some of the things “muscle gain truth” teach include:
Why strength gains are the most important thing when it comes to gaining muscle.

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All of these techniques are explained in a simple to follow language that is easy to understand. The 249 page eBook also comes with 7 bonus gifts, which make it easier for you to reach your personal fitness goals :
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Resins and balsams are secretions produced by trees and plants following injury. Natural turpentine is produced this way, as is latex. Balsam of Peru is a chemical known commonly to cause reactions. It has an odour resembling vanilla and cinnamon. It, and related balsams, are used as flavouring agents in many food products, confectionery, drinks, and for flavouring and perfume, home medicines and toothpaste. Balsam of Peru cross-reacts with a number of common chemicals such as coal tar products.
Rosin is a resin produced as a distillation of natural oil of turpentine. It has a very wide use in all sorts of applications from fabric finishes, through adhesive tape, to varnishes and lacquers, and sensitivity is well documented.
Many natural oils and resins (such as natural turpentine and essential oils like rosemary) are used in producing building and decorating materials with no synthetic chemicals. Some individuals can be sensitive to these. .
Linseed oil is produced by pressing from the seeds of the flax plant. It is used as a sealant in some building products and as a component of linoleum. It is relatively inert and rarely causes reactions. Linoleum is a type of flooring that causes few problems to the chemically sensitive. Forbo-Nairn manufactures linoleum which can be ordered through any carpet or flooring supplier.

Obama: Health Costs Are ‘Biggest Driver of Long-Term Deficits’

Friday, March 27, 2009

By Jacob Goldstein
At his
press conference last night, President Obama continued to hammer on what’s been his central health theme lately: Cutting costs.
“[I]t is going to be an impossible task for us to balance our budget if we’re not taking on rising health care costs,” he said, adding that “huge” health care costs are the “biggest driver of long-term deficits,” according to
a transcript.

Later, he said that “the problem is not just in government-run programs. The problem is in the private sector, as well. It’s experienced by families. It’s experienced by businesses.”
And he gave a quick rundown of policies he argues “may cost money on the front end, but offer the prospect of reducing costs on the back end.” Those include expanding health IT and preventive care, and paying doctors and hospitals “on the basis of improved quality, as opposed to how many procedures you’re doing.”

Health-policy types talk all the time about trying to save money while improving care. Given the inefficiencies in our health-care system, you’d think it would be doable. Pilot projects like this one suggest it’s pretty tough — though maybe not impossible — in the real world.

Dates-Powerhouse of energy

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Benefits of dates:
Rich in carbohydrates and hence provide instant energy.
Great source of fiber.
Rich in iron and calcium. When eaten regularly, they can help in strengthening of bones.
Contains stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus during the last few months of pregnancy. These stimulants help to dilate the uterus at the time of delivery.
Provides natural remedy for those suffering from giddiness due to low sugar and low blood pressure.
Contains 25 per cent more potassium than a banana.
Rich in Vitamin A.
Prevents constipation.
Helps cure abdominal cancer.
Helps in maintaining your heart in healthy condition if taken twice a week.

About Women Bald

Sunday, January 18, 2009

When your grandmother tells you not to tie your hair too tight at the back, she is giving you good advice--this is the major cause of female pattern baldness, which otherwise is not a very famous illness. While men might be scared of losing their hair, most women consider the prospect of baldness to be far more serious.Female baldness is usually made worse by a reduction in estrogen a hormone that normally prevents baldness in women. Basically, baldness in females depends largely on the kind of hairstyle they have maintained for a long time. Women who mostly tie tight ponytails (which pulls your hair back) have chances of suffering from Traction alopecia, a form of baldness. Another kind of hair loss, called telogen effluvium, is caused by pregnancy, poisoning or stress. Substantial hair loss can also be due to a mycosis infection. The loss of hair in a particular area or bald-spots can be caused by Alopecia areata.The treatment available for women suffering from hair loss includes consumption of the drug Minoxidil in 2% and 5% concentrations. In order to fill out the bald spots, a hair transplant is also a favorable option. A very important thing to keep in mind is that Propecia, a drug used by men to cure their baldness, can have adverse affects on a women�s health, and hence should not be used.There is a very popular myth that hair coloring and chemicals can result in serious hair damage and cause baldness in due course of time. This, however, is untrue. If quality standards are maintained, then perming, coloring or conditioning your hair does not affect its growth.Bald Heads provides detailed information on Bald, Bald Heads, Bald Women, Bald Men and more. Bald Heads is affiliated with Male Baldness. (About Women Bald )