Effortless Ways To Get Rid Of Headlice

Sunday, November 30, 2008

All around the world millions of people have been effected by the headlice infestation. It was originally though that the problem occurred due to lack attention in hygiene but this has been proven to be incorrect because headlice can effect anyone regardless of how or where they live
Nevertheless, when it concerns getting rid of headlice, there are just a small number of products that will work effectively, such products can be located in nearly every pharmacy and do not require a prescription.
Head Lice Treatments
To be able to get rid of headlice, first you need to follow the instructions exactly on how to apply the headlice treatment. Generally a single application is all that is required. However, for those who have long hair, a second application may also be needed so that you can effectively to get rid of the headlice. Ensure that you leave the medication in your hair as for the specified length of time, after that it will be necessary to rinse the hair hand remove any head louse that remain with a fine tooth come. Then you can put on fresh new clothes.
If you use a treatment method to get rid of headlice, it is also necessary to do some necessary treatment for your home because lice can infect clothing and bedding that had been used a couple of days prior to using the treatment. By also treating these other articles, you will have found a good way of ensuring that you are able to kill off the eggs, which in turn means that you won’t need to worry about the multiplication of the lice.
Before you go about getting rid of headlice you also need to understand that lice can infect anyone regardless of social standing, race or nationality and even income level. Lice generally attach themselves to body hair and so a good way of keeping them at bay would be to ensure proper levels of hygiene as well as following good sanitation in the home.
It is also necessary to get rid of headlice because you will otherwise feel very itchy and increases the possibility of being affected by a rash at the site where the infection is or even in various sites. Also, if you don’t get rid of headlice it can lead to discoloration as well as thickening around your groin as well as thigh (upper regions).

Itwould be wrong to consider that the need to learn how to get rid of head lice arises only when people keep pets at home, because it has been found that such a problem usually occurs because of parasites in the hair. But learning how to get rid of head lice will also teach you that pets are not usually the cause of infestation.
To obtain further information on how to get rid of head lice, you can normally obtain information from your schools on how to prevent an outbreak and also how to keep the infestation (should it occur) to a bare minimum. You can also read up policies that aim at preventing head lice infestations and follow simple advice, such as never sharing your sport helmets and to also keep your hats, combs, brushes and clothes separate from those of others.

Fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome

Friday, November 28, 2008

Fibromyalgia is a form of generalized muscular pain and fatigue that affects approximately 3.7 million Americans. The name fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles and the fibrous connective tissues (the ligaments and tendons). Fibromyalgia lacks laboratory abnormalities; instead, the diagnosis depends mostly on a person’s report or complaints and feelings. Pain is the most prominent symptom of fibromyalgia. It generally occurs throughout the body, although it may start in one region, such as the neck and shoulders, and spread to other areas over a period of time.A majority of people with fibromyalgia experience moderate or severe fatigue with lack of energy, decreased exercise endurance, or the kind of exhaustion that results from the flu or lack of sleep. Sometimes the fatigue is more of a problem than the pain. Headaches, especially muscular (tension headaches) and migraine headaches, are common in fibromyalgia. Abdominal pain, bloating and alternating constipation and bladder spasms and irritability may cause urinary urgency or frequency. A person's skin and blood circulation can be sensitive to temperature changes, resulting in temporary changes in skin color. As a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, I take a different approach to the treatment and prevention of fibromyalgia. After a thorough neurological exam, I determine which part of the nervous system is not functioning properly. In many fibromyalgia patients I may find a high mesencephalic output. There are three parts to the brain stem: top, middle and lower. The mesencephalon is the top part of the brain stem. A high output of the mesencephalon will cause an increased pulse and heart rate, the inability to sleep, or a waking, fitful sleep. Other symptoms might include urinary tract infections, increased warmth and sweating, and sensitivity to light. Along with a high mesencephalic output, the fibromyalgia patient may present with a decreased output of the cerebellum. The cerebellum controls coordinated movement and all of the muscles of the spinal column. No matter what the condition, it is imperative that the chiropractic neurologist performs a thorough and comprehensive exam to determine the exact nature of the patient’s condition.Fibromyalgia patients, as with all chronic (symptoms longer than six months) type patients must be monitored closely, before and after treatments (blood pressure, pulse SpO2). If the patient is not monitored, it is possible to over-stimulate or exceed metabolic capacity. Since the upper part of the brain stem (mesencephalon) is firing at an abnormally high rate, I will want to utilize modalities that will lower the mesencephalic output. Fibromyalgia syndrome is more common than people think. As many as 3 million to 6 million people, mostly women, suffer from fibromyalgia pain. Though it gets a bad rap as a mystery condition that people seem to "make up," its symptoms are very real, very painful, and very hard to treat and diagnose. Fibromyalgia symptoms include muscle pain spread across the body, tiredness or extreme fatigue, and what are called "tender points," which can be in many spots at the same time around the body. And the symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome don't stop there. If you suffer from this chronic pain syndrome, you can have your sleep disturbed, be extremely stiff in the morning, suffer from headaches, experience numbness or tingling in your extremities, or even suffer from memory problems. The fibromyalgia pain can even lead to what's called restless leg syndrome, or what could be worse, irritable bowel syndrome. To develop a worthwhile fibromyalgia treatment, scientists and doctors need to first figure out what the heck causes the chronic pain syndrome. They're not sure if environmental - something in your everyday life - or hereditary factors cause fibromyalgia syndrome. And they don't know why 80 percent to 90 percent of people who experience the condition tend to be women, mostly in their middle age years. Don't panic, though, if you feel that you have fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia treatment is possible, especially if you talk with your doctor and tap into his expertise. There are a host of over-the-counter and prescription painkillers that are available to combat the chronic pain, such as NSAIDs, and antidepressants may have an effect for reducing pain. Some alternative therapy experts recommend a whole host of wholesome, natural remedies as fibromyalgia treatment. First, you could try alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic therapy. Exercise may have a positive effect as well on fibromyalgia syndrome. We're talking such fun as Pilates, yoga, light weight resistance exercises and walking. If anything, getting your body moving and your blood flowing will loosen up the stiffness, and take your mind off the pain and the tender points. Some experts even claim that a fibromyalgia diet is the key to freeing yourself from the chronic pain condition. Though traditional medicine hasn't found the proof for such arguments, it doesn't hurt, ever, to eat healthier and take care of your body in general. A balanced diet -complete with veggies and fruits, whole grains and pastas, nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy - can help reduce your chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other chronic and dangerous conditions. (Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain Syndrome)

All you need to know about Illinois dental insurance and health insurance

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Heath is one thing nobody can ever be too sure of. One day the person is all fine and raring to go, and just the next day you find the same person heading to the hospital. And bad health does not bring with itself just pain and suffering. It also comes down heavily on the bank balance of the individual worsening the situation. An even sadder case scenario is observed when the individual is pouring out big bucks but with no signs of improvement in heath. It is an absolutely helpless situation and one begins to feel trapped!
In such a case there is nothing that can help one better than a good health insurance deal. In most of the places such as Illinois, the insurance system is very well developed. For instance if you need an Illinois dental insurance fearing that your tooth may give you trouble in future, then all you need to do is find out about the various insurance agencies and strike a deal with the one best suited for you. Generally the companies provide services at competitive rates which makes it tough to take decisions sometimes.
At Illinois, if you are hoping to get a health insurance, such as an
Illinois dental insurance done, it is suggested that you beware of any company that may be fraudulent. Though overall the system is well regulated and conducted, it always pays to be on the safer side, especially when you are dealing where both health as well as money is involved.
Opt for a deal with such a company that is well known and probably old enough to guarantee you your share of money in case of need. Many a times people get tricked by fake insurance companies, providing such lucrative offers that seem to be giving you over tenfold times than the other. Watch out for those selling you stuff that sound too good to be true. They probably don’t even exist for real!
Once you have selected a suitable company, all you need to do is fill up the relevant form and supply a few photographs with a copy of certain documents, etc, and submit it to the company. You may ask an agent for some help if you have any doubts. Once you have done that, all you would need is to pay your monthly or quarterly (or as the case maybe) dues to the company as prescribed by them.
In most of the well developed regions of the world, including Illinois that has big companies providing health insurance benefits to employees, group insurance is becoming a very popular practice. It comes cheap and provides various tax benefits too. Tax benefits are in fact also provided in family health insurance and individual health insurance schemes.
An important factor to be borne in mind is that no matter how helpful your insurance company is, when it comes to realising your insurance amount, you have to make sure you take active steps to get your money. Notify the company immediately and submit the documents without wasting too much time. It is a good way of insuring that you get your health insurance in a secured and hassle free way.

Assessment of Corporate Health Promotion Programs

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How many attended the corporate health and Corporate Health Promotion Program, and was there participation or a visible level of interest?
Use a short and simple pen and paper evaluation that people fill out at the end of the Corporate Health Promotion Plan /seminar. Statements that are rated on a scale from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree) will give valuable information. Ask about:• The value of the Corporate Health Promotion Programs to the individual• The style of the presenter• The presenter’s knowledge of the topic• The level of knowledge gained by the staff member• Other areas that would be of interest for future Corporate Health Promotion Programs
Examples of Questions about Corporate Health Promotion Programs• This program provided me with information and/or skills I will use.• The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject matter.• There was adequate time for questions.• The methods used to present the information were effective.
Open-ended questions about Corporate Health Promotion Programs may include:• The best part of this Corporate Health Promotion Plan was…• The part that needed improvement was….• I would attend another Corporate Health Promotion Plan by this speaker…• Topics I would like to see included in other seminars or Wellness Programs…
This would be a process evaluation that reviews how well the Corporate Health Promotion Programs were implemented. It is also important to evaluate health outcomes and cost outcomes of Corporate Health Promotion Programs.
More in-depth information about the cost-effectiveness of Corporate Health Promotion Programs can be found by analyzing data before and after Corporate Health Promotion Programs concerning health care claims, workers’ comp claims, sick time, productivity levels, etc. Health outcomes for Corporate Health Promotion Programs can be measured by looking at health claims and sick time.
It is also important to evaluate the impact of Corporate Health Promotion Programs on family members. For example, tobacco by pregnant mothers may lead to the birth of a severely impaired child. This could cost an employer or medical plan hundreds of thousands of dollars, an expense that could have been avoided with well-designed Corporate Health Promotion Programs.
You can also compare the cost per staff member of running the Corporate Health Promotion Programs to the savings per staff member. One evaluation of Corporate Health Promotion Programs involving 20,000 to 25,000 staff members at New York City-based Citibank showed a return of $6.70 for every dollar the business invested in Corporate Health Promotion Programs. The findings were based on a research study of health costs and rates of absenteeism.1
An ongoing evaluation of your Corporate Health Promotion Programs should be performed annually and additional periodic evaluations of Corporate Health Promotion Programs should be conducted on an ad hoc basis. An ad hoc evaluation of your Corporate Health Promotion Programs might be initiated by a variety of triggers. For example, at the end of flu season, a business might want to assess its flu shot program.

Learning Beginner Yoga Exercises

Monday, November 24, 2008

There are many kinds of yoga exercises, all which seem to have derived from the original eight stages of reaching a state of bliss. Hatha yoga is the most popular type of yoga which encourages good health through the practice of varfious poses and breathing techniques.
A nice thing about yoga is that you don’t need any fancy equipment in order to practice it. A positive attitude is all you need to bring. Clothing does not have to be special either. Simply wear some loose fitting, non-restrictive clothing.
Many people like to practice yoga in a class but there is no reason you cannot simply find a quiet spot in your house to start. Make sure that you have no interuptions, the area is quiet and is environmently comfortable. A soft mat may be handy together with a blanket and a pillow which will help give you some form of support and added comfort for the laying or sitting down positions. Yoga is normally practiced barefoot, so you don’t need any expensive shoes though you may wish to wear some socks or soft shoes.
Try not to eat a heavy meal for at least two or three hours before doing any yoga exercises. Eating too much can leave you feeling too full which is not comfortable as you move through the exercises. You can eat some fruit or an energy bar and drink a glass of juice an hour or so before doing yoga. As you exercise you will want to make some water available though as the exertion will tend to dehydrate you.
Many people like to practice yoga first thing in the morning as it helps to revitalise the mind and body using the postures and breathing techniques. Some yoga practitioners prefer to exercise at night to help relieve the stress from a busy day. It is perfectly fine to do both. Yoga can be performed anytime and anywhere, you just have to find best time.
Basic yoga poses always start with easy poses, building up to the more difficult poses. Take a pause if you feel pain or too much fatigue. Relaxing in between difficult exercises is also considered to be beneficial.
Daily yoga exercises is optimal. You can do as little as 15 minutes of
fitness exercise and 15 minutes of breathing and meditation each day and you will start to reap the benefits.

All About Diet And Nutrition

Sunday, November 23, 2008

With the fast-paced, technologically driven world people are now living, who would have the slightest idea that the most important rampart of normal living is being neglected?
Undeniably, because of the busy courses of people's lives, people tend to forget some of the vital fragments in maintaining a healthy life style diet and nutrition.
The terms "diet" and "nutrition" are defined into two different sentences but are greatly connected. By definition, "diet" refers to the food and liquid intake of a person while "nutrition" pertains to the science of dealing with food and nourishment. When these two are combined, an entirely new meaning can be derived. More than the issues of food and liquid intake and the science of food and nourishment, diet and nutrition can revolve around nutritional information on various dietary supplements and the benefits vitamins and minerals to a person's body.
Making yourself familiar with latest diet and nutrition topics, trends, and tips can lead you to the renewal of your health and well being commitment inside your home. You must remember that it's never too late to redirect your eating habits, but before you take that drastic change, learn what are the common diet and nutrition mistakes so you can avoid them.
1. Careless assumption that the food choices you have are better than they actually are. Experts say that people who are very particular about diet and nutrition have larger tendencies of thinking and believing that their food choices are healthier than they really are. Make sure that you eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods whenever possible.
2. Confusion over carbohydrates. Although many people say that low carb diets are effective, experts say that there are excellent carbs that make people eat less. So before you cut down on carbs totally, make sure that you have consulted your dietician if this diet will be good for you.
3. You think you're eating too much when you're not. Experts say that one of the most common mistakes people make is that they overestimate and underestimate the amount of food their body needs. Make sure that you monitor the portion sizes of your food.
4. Not eating enough food or not eating often. Overeating and under eating may put the person at risk because it disrupts disrupting blood sugar and insulin levels. Make sure that you eat something every three hours and don't starve before eating the next meal.
5. Neglecting the value of regular exercise. Making exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to great diet and nutrition.
6. Taking in a lot of dietary supplements. A vitamin or dietary pill is a supplement that is meant to complement a person's diet; therefore it should not be considered as substitutes for the foods you're supposed to be eating. Experts say that one all-purpose multivitamin a day is enough to complement the nutrients you don't get from the foods you don't eat.
7. Following nutrition and weight loss guidelines by the book. Since people are different, it is only natural for them to have individual needs. Although diet and nutrition plans work for the majority of people, not everything can help you improve you overall diet and nutrition.
Filed under Blog by admin

The female sexual hormone protects men from a hearing loss

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Scientists assert, that a female sexual hormone Oestradiolum which is present both at women, and at men, protects from a hearing loss. The given hormone carries out various functions, including influences acoustical system of a human body.
New research has been spent led by doctor Barbara Kanlon (Barbara Canlon) from Karolinsky institute in Stockholm, Sweden. A project overall objective was studying of influence
weight loss phentermine generic online of proteins of which Oestradiolum consists, on damages of acoustical system. An ale of it the regenerative processes occurring in acoustical system, at mice with various variations of receptors of estrogen have been investigated.
Scientists have established, that only difference in receptor ER-beta reduces degree of restoration of hearing after a trauma while treatment on the basis of the preparations influencing on ER-beta, protects acoustical system of mice. However not only receptor ER-beta takes part in processes of restoration of hearing. According to experts, at mice with disadvantage ER-beta depression of level of a protein under name BDNF, that type
purchase ultram obline of nervous cells necessary for conservation which in acoustical system are exposed to destruction is observed.
Scientists have made
buy levitra 20mg online the conclusion that opening of protective properties of a receptor of estrogen ER-beta can become a basis of creation of preparations for struggle against disorders of acoustical system at the person. The further researches will be referred on acknowledgement of the given theory, experts note.

The Top Secret to Good Health

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Many people believe that whatever it takes to be in good health really is a much guarded secret. They have been brainwashed so many times by the medical community and Big Pharma that they think the only way to solve their illnesses is by taking prescription drugs and suddenly they will experience good health. This is foolish thinking.
Year after year people continue to take prescription drugs but never solve the real problem why they are still sick. If one prescription doesn't solve their illness they may be prescribed another and another prescription and before long they are now taking multiple drugs.
Last year, 3.6 billion prescriptions were filled. That's a 72 percent increase in prescriptions in just a ten year period from 1997 to 2007.
Now in that same period, the number of prescriptions filled by each person in the U.S. increased from about 9 a year in 1997 to about 11 in 2006 and 13 in 2007. The average annual prescription rate for seniors is 28 prescriptions per person.
I have said it over and over again. You will never improve your health by taking prescription drugs. I don't care how many you take, it will never happen.
This is a fairly tale that some shrewd marketing professionals are concocting to make Big Pharma as rich as they possibly can. The professional actors in the commercials play their part well and try to convince people how great the product really is.
Apparently this works very well for people who believe that natural medicine is a joke. Let me tell you, the biggest joke is believing that prescription drugs will cure your ailment.
For the average citizen, the claims made by these actors are entirely convincing. Yes, they do reveal certain side effects of the products but those side effects mentioned are mild compared to what really goes on inside your body when you ingest these drugs.
If you knew the real truth of what goes on inside your body you would be totally shocked. The biggest concern you need to know about is what it does to your immune system. It can literally kill its performance and make it so weak, it doesn't even do half the job it is capable of doing.
Once you destroy or decrease the immune systems ability to defend you against all types of illnesses and diseases, you are in for a heap of trouble.
50 years ago, the two biggest over-the-counter drugs were Bufferin and Geritol. At that time the prescription drug industry was hardly noticed. Castor Oil was the big thing in our home. My mom thought that was the cure-all medicine. It was awful trying to swallow it but it did solve some illnesses.
Most doctors today never seem to get to the root of the problem. Their waiting rooms are chocked full of people waiting, long past their appointment time, to see the doctor.
Once inside the examining room a nurse or a staff member usually assists the patient and performs a few chores before the doctors finally shows up. Then when the doctor does show up he/she doesn't spend enough time with you to make a good judgment of what is really ailing you.
So you can bet, you will walk out of there with a prescription in hand, and then head to the drug store to get it filled.
Both of the presidential candidates promised some kind of health reform when they took office. But more government intervention is not the answer to getting everyone's health on the right track.
Government is only supportive of the drug industry and conventional medicine to solve all your ills. Even some congressmen who have introduced bills to support natural remedies never get their bill out of the committee that is proposing the proper kind of legislation to finally solve the major health problems.
So here is where we get down to revealing the real top secret of good health, if you are truly serious about solving your ailments. The real top secret to good health is nothing more than "taking charge" of your personal health and doing the things that really will restore and maintain your health for as long as you would like.
If you will carefully follow some basic health principles, like adopting a regular healthy diet, doing moderate daily exercise, initiate stress management and add the proper nutrients to your daily diet regimen, you will be for better off doing all these things than ingesting multiple amounts of prescription drugs everyday.
I have become involved in a nutritional program that is taking citizens by the hand and personally assisting them in selecting the right products to help them resolve all their health issues.
The products are helping solve illnesses all over the world for people who have never been able to solve them by taking drugs. Contact me and I will explain all the wonderful benefits of this program.

I will even put you in touch with people who have had very debilitating ailments and were able to reverse their condition in a rather short period of time. You have nothing to lose by listening what I have to say. Just hear what I have to say then make your own judgment.
To your good health,
Sonny Julius

Study: Diabetes Costs America $218 Billion A Year

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TRENTON, N.J. — As diabetes is rapidly becoming one of the world's most common diseases, its financial cost is mounting, too, to well over $200 billion a year in the U.S. alone, according to a new study.
The study, released Tuesday, puts the total at $218 billion last year _ the first comprehensive estimate of the financial toll diabetes takes, according to Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk A/S, which paid for the study.
That figure includes direct medical care costs, from insulin and pills for controlling patients' blood sugar to amputations and hospitalizations, plus indirect costs such as lost productivity, disability and early retirement.
The $218 billion amounts to about 10 percent of all U.S.
health care spending by government and the public, about $2.1 trillion in 2006, and nearly half the $448.5 billion cost of heart disease and stroke.
The study, conducted by the Lewin Group consultants, estimates costs for people known to have Type 1 or Type
2 diabetes at $174.4 billion combined, a total previously reported by Novo Nordisk, the world's top producer of insulin and the maker of diabetes pills such as NovoNorm and Prandin. That study was done with the American Diabetes Association.
The new study adds estimates for people who haven't been diagnosed yet ($18 billion), women who develop diabetes temporarily during pregnancy ($636 million) and those on track to develop diabetes, an increasingly common condition called pre-diabetes ($25 billion).
"Diabetes has not seen a decline or even a plateauing, and the death rate from diabetes continues to rise," said Dana Haza, senior director of the National Changing Diabetes Program, an effort Novo Nordisk began in 2005 to improve diabetes care and prevention in the U.S.
"The numbers just keep going higher and higher, and what we want to say is, 'It's time for government and businesses to focus on it,'" said Haza.

Powerline Proves Universal Health Care Makes GM and Chrysler Profitable

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The chart to the left shows the losses and profits per car of some major car companies. John over at Powerline uses it to argue that there should be no bailout, because the Big 3 are so unprofitable it's just pointless. Let's do some simple math. Take a look at GM's loss per car, about $700. What is GM's cost per car for health care? $1,500. What happens if you add $1,500? A profit. Of $800/car.
What the chart proves is that American car companies (except for Ford) are only not profitable, at this point, because of health care costs. The simplest thing to do to help the US economy (by not losing millions of jobs and one of the few remaining export industries) is to just pass universal health care, taking those costs off them, and in the meantime give them bridging funds to get them by until that's done. Foreign car companies have far fewer health care costs, so all universal health care does is even out the playing field. Even Ford, with health care costs off, would be very close to profitability.
My thanks to the folks at Powerline for making the case for universal healthcare and for helping the auto industry so clearly.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Many men whom it is possible to name habitues sports and fitness of clubs, are well enough familiar with anatomy of a human body and first of all, with its musculation. And buy levitra 20 mg though well developed musculation will not disregard many women, it at all desire will not replace that can give rather imperceptible, is more true even invisible, muscularly-zhelezistnyj organ which outwardly looks as a kernel of the ripened chestnut, and from within - as a foetus of a walnut and is between a bladder, a rectum and a root of a sexual member. Yes, yes, it certainly a prostate differently called by a prostate.

It is possible to name this organ responsible for manufacture of a man’s seed, its quality, and also for those sensations which accompany the man all time, since the first moment of excitation till last seconds an orgasm.

When the prostate is healthy, it practically does ultram 50mg not show herself, but it is necessary to it to be ill, as at once there are painful sensations in the bottom of a stomach, testicles and at an emiction which becomes more and more frequent phenomenon.

The chronic prostatitis is studied by medicine already more than 150 years. However to these it is difficult to guarantee 100 % a curability against a prostatitis. According to World organisations public health services (CART) all over the world from 20 to 45 % of men all over the world suffer from diseases of a prostate or, in other words, are ill with a prostatitis. In this connection efficiency of treatment of the given unpleasant disease in is much defined by use of modern medical products.

If in time not to address to the urologist, considering, weight loss phentermine generic that it of that is not necessary, it can soon be wrapped by serious sex disorders. And that suntanned athlete who excellently looks on a beach, in bed feels, at least, lost, losing the victorious look. After all sex for such person, becomes not pleasure, and some kind of serious work. The matter is that the chronic prostatitis leads to potency depression (a sexual inclination), and all efforts which erections of a sexual member if come to an end with good luck the short-term suffices should lead.

If as a result of such wearisome works also it will turn out to achieve an orgasm (about satisfaction of the partner and speech cannot be) instead of long-awaited pleasure, such the poor creature rather unpleasant and painful sensations which anything is other as implications of that chronic prostatitis wait.

From this leaves, that a prostatitis the real enemy of high-grade sex. Certainly, with it it is necessary to do something. Some, having heard about so-called physiotherapy exercises which should restore and strengthen health of it, important organ, start to carry out thoughtlessly various exercises, putting and without that the exhausted prostate still larger and has enough notable harm. Exercises are certainly necessary, but with them it is not necessary to hurry up too, exhausting itself them to exhaustion.
First, it is necessary to address to the doctor to the urologist who will prescribe the corresponding treatment referred on neutralisation of inflammatory processes and restoration of normal blood supply of a sick organ.

Benefits of Employee Health and Wellness Programs

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Employer’s are learning that Employee Health and Wellness Programs is an effective way to increase productivity, improve worker health, decrease healthcare costs and reduce rates of absence.

A report published in 2003 by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) highlighted how important it is for employers to incorporate Employee Health and Wellness Programs as part of their corporate strategy. The report asserts that chronic diseases which are largely preventable place a heavy toll on company, including lower productivity and higher medical insurance costs.

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that $1.66 trillion was spent on medical care in 2003 and it attributes a majority of those costs to chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and asthma. Sadly, the money allocated for preventing or controlling these conditions is negligible.

In a recent article, American Cancer Society CEO John Seffrin reported two thirds of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented through lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, cancer testing and “especially” tobacco use. A well-designed Employee Health and Wellness Programs initiative serves the best interests of staff members and employers alike.

Benefits of Wellness Progams: Return On Investment (ROI)

Ron Goetzel, a nationally recognized expert in the field of health management, information analysis and applied research, said in a recent interview that with an investment of $100 to $150 per worker per year in Employee Health and Wellness Programs, an employer can expect an average return on investment of approximately $3 for every $1

invested ($300 to $450 savings per worker per year). Goetzel says, however, that these returns are not typically realized until two to three years into the Employee Health and Wellness Program.

Benefits of Wellness Progams: Tax Breaks

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has been an outspoken proponent in seeking legislative solutions for a strained healthcare system.

“As a nation, we have a ‘sick care’ system that is focused on helping individuals after they get sick, rather than a ‘health care’ system which focuses on keeping healthy individuals healthy,” he says.

Harkin introduced the Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention (HeLP) America Act of 2004. One of the initiatives under Title II - Healthier Communities and Workplaces, provides tax credits to businesses that offer comprehensive programs to promote worker health and grants for small company.

Benefits of Wellness Progams: Getting Started

Implementing a Employee Health and Wellness Programs can be accomplished with simple, low-cost strategies.

Offer incentives for participation.
Create a wellness informational campaign.
Schedule wellness seminars on diabetes, nutrition, exercise and cholesterol.
Create initiatives such as fitness, sleep diary, smoking cessation and injury prevention.
Offer onsite chair massages or simple stretching exercises to do at the desk.
Change vending machine options to offer healthier, low-fat snacks and drinks.
Actively promote worker participation in all Employee Health and Wellness Programs.

A successful Employee Health and Wellness Program can boost company morale, enhance productivity, reduce organizational conflict, attract superior workers and decrease the rate of worker turnover. The case for establishing a Employee Health and Wellness Program is well worth the effort.

CAP health check must result in level playing field

Saturday, November 15, 2008

EU agriculture commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel should have the confidence to press ahead with further decoupling, but others must follow if the UK is not to be put at a disadvantage, says the NFU.

UK farmers could be at a competitive disadvantage if countries around the world do not support further decoupling of agricultural support from production, the NFU has warned.

Speaking ahead of next week's CAP health check negotiations in Brussels, NFU president Peter Kendall said Europe should press ahead with developing a more market-oriented policy framework and not be tempted back down the route of subsidies coupled to production.

But all countries - including those within Europe - had to move together to create a level playing field, he said.

"Decoupling allows markets to find redress and we should all support that. But if Europe is to take the lead on decoupling, everyone needs to follow suit. We don't want to see countries such as France use Article 68 of the draft regulations [which develops the concept of the national envelope] to increase coupled payments."

The USA's decision to put an extra $20bn towards trade-distorting measures under its Farm Bill, India's subsidy of fertiliser markets to the tune of 2.5% of its GDP, and China's 135% tariff on urea exports were all examples of measures that had to be removed for a free market to work, Mr Kendall said.

On top of that, non-trade issues such as environmental degradation and animal welfare had to be given a higher priority around the world, he said.


Friday, November 14, 2008

13 NOVEMBER 2008 | GOMA/GENEVA - The World Health Organization (WHO) and health partners have launched an intensive operation to prevent and control the increase in the number of cholera cases, which have tripled in some areas to 150 a week, amid the recent escalation of violence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Insecurity, massive population displacement (at least 250 000 people since early August), weak health services and a lack of safe water and proper sanitation facilities have caused a marked increase in the number of people with cholera in North and South Kivu.

As yet no data is available on the number of deaths linked to the current outbreak, but generally in complex emergencies the case fatality rate can surpass 30%. In 1994, some 50 000 people died from a combined epidemic of cholera and dysentery linked to the Rwandan exodus into Goma, the main town of North Kivu.

There has been a tripling of cholera cases since the start of October to early November in the Goma health zone, which includes the area of Karisimbi. From July-August, there was a weekly incidence of less than 20 cases in Goma. But in the first week of October, there were 40 cholera cases, which increased to about 150 in early November.

“Such an increase of cases in a region that is already endemic for cholera is an early warning sign of a potentially larger epidemic, and all health providers are working together to ensure that we do not see a repeat of 1994,” said Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for WHO’s Health Action in Crises cluster.

In all off North Kivu, there have been at least 997 cholera cases reported in that time, with most recorded in Rutshuru (466), Goma (263) and Karisimbi (145). In South Kivu during the same period, 855 cholera cases have been reported, with most in Minova (371).

Cholera is a water-borne bacterial disease characterized by acute watery diarrhoea and vomiting and can rapidly lead to death if untreated. It is mainly transmitted through contaminated water and food and is closely linked to inadequate sanitation. It is endemic in the eastern part of the country and that has alerted the population and health providers of choloera’s presence, risks and response.

“There is high awareness of the deadly impact that cholera, and many other communicable illnesses such as malaria and measles, have on populations in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” Dr Laroche said. “But this additional risk is unacceptable. Access to safe water, proper sanitation and health services is essential to prevent from spreading to those displaced on roads, residing in temporary camps and living in established communities.”

WHO is leading the coordinated health response to the emergency. All concerned health providers and agencies coordinate their efforts through a group known as the Health Cluster.

Health sector response to increasing needs

WHO is buying and delivering large quantities of medical supplies, including materials to treat cholera and other water-borne diseases, in the affected areas of the country. Supplies are being provided to MSF Switzerland in the northern town of Dungu, where separate fighting has impacted the health of the community.

Sixty tons of medicines have arrived by plane into Kampala, the capital of neighbouring Uganda, a large portion of which is due to leave by road on Saturday 15 November for Goma. The consignment includes Oral Rehydration Salts that can treat successfully up to 80% of suspect cholera cases, as well as intravenous fluids and antibiotics for handling severe cases.

WHO has more than a dozen staff in the area, including epidemiologists, who are working to strengthen the reporting system for cholera and other potentially life-threatening diseases, including measles and malaria. Malaria is a major killer in this part of the country, being responsible for 45% of infant mortality.

For more information please contact:
Paul Garwood, Communications Officer, Health Action in Crises, WHO, Geneva,

Baucus Health Plan is Fatally Flawed

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Plan Could Be Economic Disaster According to NCPA Economist

The sweeping health reform plan proposed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus suffers from several expensive and fatal flaws, according to a National Center for Policy Analysis health economist.

NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick called the Baucus proposal a "blueprint for economic disaster in health care coverage for Americans."

"The end result of Baucus' plan would destroy any choices that consumers have to select health coverage that meets their individual needs," said Herrick. "We would be stuck with a government-designed and regulated health plan that will drive up costs and limit access for too many consumers."

"Whenever these types of regulations are imposed at the state level, premiums have jumped two to three times the national average," said Herrick, a noted NCPA health economist. "Mandated coverage would force consumers to buy plans with benefits they may not want at prices they cannot afford."

The Baucus plan includes many of the same elements implemented in the Massachusetts mandated health plan, which Herrick said is now suffering from massive cost over-runs for the state and escalating premium costs for consumers." He added, "Many newly insured patients have been unable to find doctors willing to treat them under the new reimbursement levels."

The solution, said Herrick, is portable coverage that moves with workers from job to job, and that allows families to choose the level of benefits they need at a cost they can afford.

"The bottom line," said Herrick, "is that the Baucus plan will exacerbate current problems of skyrocketing costs and limited access while creating a huge burden for individual taxpayers and businesses. There is no such thing as free health care."

Herrick is a preeminent expert on 21st century medicine, including a variety of critical health care issues, such as health insurance and the uninsured, patient empowerment and trends in state health policy reform.

Mental health services for TennCare to change first of the year

CHATTANOOGA (AP) -- A change that merges oversight of mental health services for TennCare enrollees is intended to better coordinate their overall care and make it easier to manage.

Starting Jan. 1 in East Tennessee, TennCare managed care companies will handle both physical benefits as well as mental health - or behavioral - concerns.

Previously, two separate payers - a managed care company and a behavioral health company - worked independently to administer these benefits.

TennCare chief medical officer, Dr. Wendy Long, told the Chattanooga Times Free Press that people now recognize "many illnesses have both a physical and a mental health component" and there's not a line between.

Now, in East and West Tennessee, enrollees will access care through one insurance plan, either BlueCross BlueShield subsidiary Volunteer State Health Plan or AmeriChoice, a division of United Healthcare.

TennCare has staggered the startup by region, with the change going into effect last year in Middle Tennessee and a week ago in West Tennessee.

'All NHS trusts and health boards to be scrapped'

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ALL NHS trusts and local health boards will be scrapped by October 2009, Health Minister Edwina Hart announced today.

The seven new integrated organisations, which will be responsible for commissioning and providing hospital and community-based services, must be up and running, in shadow form, by June 2009.

The chairs and vice-chairs of the new bodies will be appointed in the new year.

But the national advisory and delivery boards which will oversee the day-to-day running of the health service in Wales following restructuring, will be in place by April 2009.

Mrs Hart last night announced the fine details of her plans for the biggest overhaul of the NHS in a generation in an oral statement to the National Assembly.

She also said that the seven new bodies will be based on the current LHB model to ensure that they continue to "encourage and promote partnership working".

She said: "It offers a much better ‘fit’, I believe, with the key Assembly Government policy objective of abolishing the internal market in the health service."

A further consultation exercise about the details of the seven new bodies will be launched next month.

Mrs Hart said she wants the new bodies to combine the best aspects of the current NHS trusts and LHBs. They could also include professional forums to ensure that frontline clinicians and experts can share their advice with board members.

She added: "I am also determined that we open up membership of boards to a wider range of individuals than has been the case hitherto.

"There is a pool of talent in Wales which we need to foster, and then to deploy.

"In setting up these local bodies what is fundamentally important to me is that they are able to improve patient care by reducing bureaucracy and removing artificial boundaries within the NHS, allowing more money to be channelled into frontline services, and for the planning and development of services to be joined up more effectively, both in the context of community plans and the government’s strategic direction for health care in Wales."

The Ins and Outs of Olive Oil

According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), olive oil is beneficial to the heart. It contains monounsaturated fat, which can help lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that consuming just two tablespoons of olive oil per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. With all the health benefits to using olive oil, there’s just one thing left for consumers to figure out – which one to use.

“When you stand there in the store, looking at the rows of olive oil, people are not sure what to buy and what to expect,” explains Enzo Febbraro, co-owner and executive chef of Washington D.C.-based D’Acqua Ristorante. “Olive oil is a wonderful ingredient to use when cooking and baking, but different flavors will alter the tastes.”

While olive oil comes in a variety of types, the most popular are light and extra virgin. All of them have the same fat content but, depending on the type, the acid level varies, and that changes the flavor. Here’s what to expect from the two most popular types of olive oil, and where they are best used:

· Light. This is ideal for baking and cooking when you don’t want a strong flavor but still want all the health benefits. Light olive oil has undergone a filtration process that leaves it with a lighter appearance and flavor, although the calorie count remains the same.

· Extra virgin. If you only plan to have one olive oil on hand to use as an all-purpose type, this would be the one. It’s low in acid and has a fruity flavor and aroma. It provides a lot of flavor, even when only using a minimum amount. This type of oil works well for sauces, frying, marinades, meat, fish, pasta, vegetables, and baking. It’s also the variety most commonly used when consumed cold, with salads or for dipping bread.

When it comes to storing olive oil, it’s best to keep it either in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place. If it’s being stored in the refrigerator, it may thicken and it will need to sit out for a few minutes before being used, so that it can liquefy again. Olive oil is sensitive to heat and light; exposure to them can speed up the process of turning it rancid, so it’s important to store it in a dark area that is temperature-controlled.

Shelf life once it is opened varies, but most manufacturers recommend three to six months. Olive oil can be used as a substitute in most recipes that call for vegetable oil, shortening, or butter.

“When choosing an olive oil, the main thing to keep in mind is flavor. Some have a more pronounced flavor, and you have to determine whether you want that in your dish,” adds Febbraro. “The best olive oils come from Italy. Using a good one will go a long way toward adding flavor to what you cook, as well as providing many health benefits.”

Animals Speak Color

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A new exhibition reveals how they acquire the language and use it.

-By Christopher Reed
Tail of the panther chameleon, Furcifer pardalis, of Madagascar. The same species appears on the cover (below, right). Chameleons do not change color to match their backgrounds, but to communicate excitement, anger, fear, and other emotions.

Cover photograph by Paul Bratescu

To delight and instruct, The Language of Color at the Harvard Museum of Natural History corrals a many-hued menagerie of birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, mollusks, and wonderfully iridescent beetles from the University’s numerous collections of specimens, and adds a colony of live dart frogs in a miniature jungle. With text, videos, and engaging interactive computer displays, it offers revelations to humans not fluent in the language of color.

The poisonous dart frogs use conspicuous color to tell predators that they are not good to eat. Similarly, a venomous coral snake sports rings of bright color to advertise that it isn’t to be messed with—by a bird considering it for lunch, for instance—while a milk snake, which isn’t poisonous and could be taken quite safely, looks much like a coral snake and trades on the latter’s reputation. Bauer fellow Marcus Kronforst studies a bad-tasting species of butterfly that is orange, black, and yellow, and other species of unsavory butterflies that mimic its color and pattern to form a uniformed corps of the unappetizing.

Colors can conceal as well as warn, as in, “You can’t eat me because you can’t see me—I’m a cuttlefish and can change my color to match my background in a millisecond.” Or, conversely, “I’m so well camouflaged with stripes [or spots] that you can’t see me creeping up…and I’m going to eat you.” Hopi Hoekstra, Loeb associate professor of the natural sciences, studies the genetic mechanisms at work in a species of mouse that adapts to its environment by being sand-colored if it lives at the beach and dark if it lives inland.

Perhaps some of the richest language of color has to do with sex. Janis Sacco, director of exhibitions, offers such examples as a male bird of paradise from New Guinea that not only sports much bolder colors than any female of the species, but also a ludicrously long tail. “Pick me as a mate,” he says, “because I have this splendid thing you females may select mates on the basis of, and I must be fit because I have managed to survive despite having to carry it around with me while wearing these obvious colors.” One sex story fit for the tabloids concerns wrasses and parrotfish. In many species, the females in a group are much less colorful than the dominant male. If the male gets eaten, the dominant female changes her sex—and puts on those brilliant colors.

But note: an animal’s color depends on how it appears to the intended observer, and animals don’t necessarily see color as humans do. Apparatus at the exhibition allows visitors to experience color through others’ eyes. A deer, for instance, cannot distinguish reds. A pair of parrots looking each other over may appear richly colored to us, but to the parrots, who see ultraviolet light, they are even better—intensely, bodaciously flamboyant—and must knock each other’s socks off.

The whys of the language are various, and so are the hows. Many animals acquire the language of color through pigments that they themselves metabolize. Others take in pigments through what they eat and show the pigments through their skin, as in the case of the scarlet ibis, which eats crabs and shrimp that eat red algae. And some colors are produced not by pigments, but by microstructures in fur, feathers, or scales that reflect only certain wavelengths of light. If you’re Kermit the Frog, you are green not because you have green pigment, but because you reflect blue light through yellow pigment. Visitors to the exhibition can examine, as if through an electron microscope, the inner parts of a tiny barb on the feather of a bluebird to see how this reflective trick is done. The white hairs of a polar bear or of an arctic fox’s winter coat, on the other hand, are clear—they lack pigment to absorb wavelengths selectively, or structures to reflect certain wavelengths—so they reflect back the entire spectrum, making the animal look white to us.

The Language of Color teaches that colors and the perception of them co-evolve. “Evolution R Us,” says museum executive director Elisabeth Werby, who conceived the exhibition, “and color is a great way to get people excited about evolution, not as some dusty old theory that began and ended with Darwin, but as something which continues to inform all biology. Evolution is responsible for the amazing diversity and variety of nature showcased here. Evolution allows us to ask and answer the questions that researchers at Harvard are asking, such as, ‘Why does the zebra have stripes?’ Instead of reverting to the Just So Stories, we can use evolutionary theory to start to answer these questions.”

Knox restaurant's health score may be lowest ever

Sunday, November 9, 2008

KNOXVILLE (WATE) -- There were several low health inspection scores this week in Knox County, but one restaurant received the lowest health grade recorded in the last decade.
That restaurant, China Star Buffet on Kingston Pike, has failed two previous health inspections in the last 18

In August, manager Henry Lee took 6 News on a tour of the buffet bar and assured us the food was steaming hot. That was in mid-July after the restaurant received a grade of 41.
In contrast to this week's score, that was a good score. This time, China Star Buffet's grade is a 23.
Below 70 is considered "unsanitary" by the health department.
Just to hit the highlights, the health inspector found that food temperatures were again wrong for proper storage. Mussels, chicken, flounder and eggs were ordered thrown out because they weren't hot enough.
Rotten vegetables were discovered in the food storage room. When the inspector peeked under the sushi counter, he found a nest of mice. What's worse, on the kitchen floor there was raw sewage.
The health department shut down China Star for a day last week and had a long session with restaurant management this week.
Health department officials decided China Star Buffet will be inspected weekly, not every six months as required.
If the restaurant fails its next inspection, the restaurant's permit will be revoked.

The Health Care Challenge: Sailing Into a Perfect Storm

Even if the financial markets had not gone into a tailspin and the economy had not slouched toward a prolonged recession, non-elderly Americans in lower-middle-income families — those with family incomes between $20,000 and $60,000 — would have sailed into a perfect storm brewing in health care. Roughly one-third of American households fall into that category.
Consider a family headed by two income earners each with a gross wage base of $30,000. One might be a taxi driver, and the other a sales clerk in a department store or at, say, Home Depot.
Bygross wage base” is meant here the sum of all of the debits that an employer makes to the account “Payroll Expense” for an employee. It includes the employee’s cash take-home pay, all the income taxes and Social Security taxes and other deductions — for example, the employee’s contributions towards health insurance and pensions — withheld from the employee’s paycheck, as well as the employer’s share of Social Security taxes and the employer’s contributions toward the employee’s health insurance, pension, vacation pay, sick days and so on. It is a sum that supports all taxes paid by or on behalf of the employee and all fringe benefits earned by the employee, whether formally paid by the employer or taken out of the employee’s paycheck.
It follows from this definition of gross wage base that it must support all of the health expenditures made by or on behalf of the family in a given year — that is, the employer’s contribution to premiums for the employee’s health insurance, the employee’s own contribution and the employee’s out-of-pocket health spending.
According to the Milliman Medical Index, this total health spending figure for a typical non-elderly American family of four had reached an average of $15,600 by 2008. It had grown at an average compound growth rate of about 8.6 percent from $11,192 in 2004.
To return to our family with an assumed gross wage base of $60,000: If that gross wage base grew by, say, 3 percent per year over the next decade, to $80,600 by 2017, while total family health spending grew by, say, 8 percent per year over the same time frame, to $33,700 by 2017, then about 41 percent of the family’s gross wage base would be taken up by health care alone, before any deductions for taxes or fringe benefits. If the wage base grew by 4 percent, health spending still would absorb about a third of the family gross wage base.
These numbers, which are realistic, suggest that before long the gross wage base earned by American households will become too small a donkey to carry the load of the family’s spending on health care. It will put before Americans an uncomfortable choice.
Either Americans in the higher income strata must step up to the cashier’s window to help subsidize, with higher income taxes, the health care of the most hard-working members of the lower income classes, or the United States will have to evolve toward a noticeable two-tiered or multi-tiered health care system, with bare-bones, low-tech health care for families in the bottom half of the income distribution and increasingly superior, high-tech health care for families in the upper-income strata.

Going meatless is good for health and pocketbook

Friday, November 7, 2008

“Meatless Mondays” originated during World War I when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urged families to avoid eating meat on Mondays to conserve food for the troops and feed starving populations in Europe. There was also a project called “Wheatless Wednesdays.” The program came back into play at the beginning of World War II because meat was being rationed, and it became a way for women at home to support the war effort.

Currently, “Meatless Mondays” has reemerged as a national public health campaign in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University to help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.We are starting our own Meatless Monday campaign to save the planet and to save you some dough. Our proposal is that you try to have a vegetarian meal once a week (we won’t tell anybody if you do it on Tuesdays). It will certainly make it possible for you to reduce your grocery bill in these crazy times, and if you’re dining out, vegetarian meals are definitely cheaper and often so delicious you won’t even miss the meat. We have included a few suggestions for eating at home or away from home. These recipes are family-friendly and work well for brunch, lunch or dinner.Last week we cooked our meatless meal at home. This week we’re going out. Obviously, you can get a vegetarian meal at Zinc Café or The Stand, and you can always order vegetarian pizza or pasta at most restaurants, but we would like to mention a few that feature vegetarian entrées. 
Aegean Café: grilled vegetable plate with hummus and tzatziki or vegetarian moussaka with eggplant and potatoes, $17.95.

  • Beachcomber: Farmer’s market mac n’ cheese with seasonal veggies and roasted veggie crepe with ricotta and vegetables topped with spinach and Parmesan cream. 
  • Brussels Bistro: vegetable gratin and grilled vegetable medley, $10 to $12. 
  • Coyote Grill: zucchini enchilada, veggie burger, $7 to $8.50. 
  • Crab Zone: Buddha’s feast stir-fry $8.95, garlic noodles, $5.95. 
  • French 75: wild mushroom ravioli, farmer’s market vegetable, $13 to $18. 
  • La Sirena: burritos, tortas, quesadilla and vegetarian plate, $5.75 to $7.75.
  • K’ya: broiled tofu steak or red Thai curry with brown rice, $16.95. 
  • Mozambique: excellent vegetarian curry with accompaniments, $18. 
  • Nirvana Grille: wild mushroom ravioli, mixed vegetable plate, house-made veggie burger, $9-$16. 
  • Pomodoro: verdure, vegetarian lasagna, $8.25 to $10.25. 
  • Royal Thai: all entrees can be served with tofu or oyster mushrooms, $10.95. 
  • Sage-on-the-Coast: Farmers market vegetable plate with roasted cauliflower, sautéed squash, eggplant Parmesan, arugula, roasted figs, goat cheese and pine nuts in roasted tomato sauce, $25. 
  • San Shi Go: vegetable tempura, teriyaki vegetables, $8.95. 
  • Thai Brothers: nine vegetarian entrées including deep fried garlic tofu or mixed veggies and tofu in spicy peanut sauce, $10.95. Ti Amo: Linguini Fiorentina with artichokes, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, feta, roasted garlic and pesto sauce.


Monday, November 3, 2008

AYURVEDA-Treatment for Health & Beauty

Ayurveda is a 5000 year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. Although suppressed during years of foreign occupation, Ayurveda has been enjoying a major resurgence in both its native land and throughout the world. Tibetan medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine both have their roots in Ayurveda. Early Greek medicine also embraced many concepts originally described in the classical Ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years.
More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential. Providing guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body mind and spirit.
Recognizing that human beings are part of nature, Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies that govern our inner and outer environments: movement, transformation and structure. Known in Sanskrit as Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Earth), these primary forces are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body. Each of us has a unique proportion of these three forces that shapes our nature. If Vata is dominant in our system, we tend to be thin, light, enthusiastic, energetic and changeable. If Pitta predominates in our nature, we tend to be intense, intelligent, goal-oriented and have a strong appetite for life. When Kapha prevails, we tend to be easy-going, methodical and nurturing. Although each of us has all three forces, most people have one or two elements that are more obviously expressed.
For each element, there is a balanced and imbalance expression. When Vata is balanced a person is lively and creative, but when there is too much movement in the system, a person tends to experience anxiety, insomnia, dry skin, constipation and has difficulty completing tasks. When Pitta is functioning in a balanced manner, a person is warm, friendly, disciplined, a good leader and a good speaker. When the fire element is out of balance, a person tends to be compulsive, irritable and may suffer from indigestion or an inflammatory condition. When Kapha is balanced, a person is sweet, supportive and stable but when it is out of balance, a person may experience sluggishness, weight gain and sinus congestion. An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance and offer interventions using diet, herbs, aromas, massage, music and meditation to reestablish balance.
A simple questionnaire is one way to help determine which Ayurvedic element is most lively in your nature. Take the dosha quiz here. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible and see which element(s) receives the highest score.
The Chopra Center is founded in the unique fusion of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and the cutting-edge knowledge of modern medicine to create an integrated path toward health and wellbeing. We offer Ayurvedic lifestyle consultations and instruction in daily, weekly, and weekend sessions. We also include Ayurvedic lifestyle training instruction in all of our programs, seminars, workshops, and retreats. Bring Ayurveda into Your life

It's a complex medical system that's been in use for more than 5,000 years in India. It includes meditation, yoga, massage, herbal medicine and diet, and it integrates mind, body and spirit to maintain health. Traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian medicine, are said to trace their roots to Ayurveda.
Ayruvedic tradition holds that five elements -- space, air, fire, water and earth -- make up the Earth. Each element is associated with certain principles, which in the human body create a unique pattern, called your dosha. Ayruvedic physicians believe that there are three basic dosha types:
Vatas are generally thin, small-boned people with an excitable nature and a quick mind. Vatas are worriers; they tend to tire easily, have a short attention span and irregular eating habits. They are prone to insomnia, nervous disorders, joint problems and constipation. Article continues below...Pittas have medium builds, fair or ruddy skin, strong appetites and are very intelligent. Irritable under stress, they tend to be competitive in nature. Pittas are prone to digestive troubles, skin conditions, and liver disorders.
Kaphas have heavy, well-muscled bodies, with thick hair, large eyes, pale and moist skin. Kaphas move slowly, require lots of sleep and may be sluggish. They can be troubled by colds and sinus problems, and when out of balance, can become overweight.
During an exam, an Ayurvedic physican will study your pulse, tongue, nails, hair, face and skin. He or she will also take a detailed history and will question you closely about your lifestyle, family, health habits and even your spiritual life. They believe that diseases spring from excess or deficiencies of a particular dosha and will create a personalized program for you that will help "balance" your dosha. It will likely include specific plans for diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, oil massages and breathing exercises.
Finding a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine can be a challenge outside of larger cities. For more information, log onto The Ayurvedic institute


Ayurveda recommends foods for people according to their primary body type. The reason this is done is because it is believed foods can be both healing, and the source of imbalance and difficulties. By eating foods according to our Ayurvedic body type, the belief is that we will accumulate less Ama, or waste, in the body. In Ayurveda, people are classified according to three principles, vata, kapha, and pitta. But it's important to understand that although we may be dominant in one principle, we actually have all three present in our body. The others are in a smaller ration. Most people will actually be a combination of two of these principles, with the third only playing a minor role. But because we all contain the three, any of them can get out of balance. Pitta Characteristics of Pitta dominant body types * determination * strong willed * good digestion * initiative * energy * passionate about many things Ayurveda's Pitta constitution is calmed by cooling foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Bitter green vegetables like watercress, parsley, collards and most greens suit pitta. Fruits that suit pitta body types include sweet berries, sweet apples and apricots, coconut, figs, mango, sweet oranges and pineapples, plums, watermelon, pomegranates, and prunes. Other cooling foods include most dairy products, though sour cream, hard cheeses, and yoghurt don't really suit pitta due to their being too high in fat, salt, or sour. But dairy that suits pitta includes milk, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, and ice cream! Grains that suit pitta body types include barley, basmati rice, and wheat (unless you are allergic or gluten sensitive). Pitta body types generally like a lot of protein, and they probably need a little more than the other Ayurvedic body types. Spices that are cooling in nature are also important. These include coriander, cumin, mint, parsley, dill and fennel. Garlic should be avoided though as it is too heating. In terms of sweets, Pitta body types should use maple syrup, barley malt, brown rice syrup and honey that is 6 months or less old, preferably raw. Things that can imbalance Pitta body types: * excess heat, hot climates, and hot times of day * humidity * vacations and times when there is increased mobility * excess oil in the diet * too many hot foods, including spicy foods. But this can also mean too many cooked meals * excess caffeine, salt, red meat and alcohol Vata Characteristics of people with a dominant Vata body type: * flexibility * quick mind * creative * always on the go - mentally and physically Dietary choices that support vata aim at grounding this energy-in-motion. Routine is also very helpful, though not naturally something vata body type people will create! Vata people benefit from meditation, warmth, soothing music, taking breaks, and resting (again, not a natural vata inclination!). With regards foods, vata body types should include warming spices, including ginger and cloves, anise, cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, horseradish, caraway, mint, mustard seeds, parsley, cooked onion, paprika, rose water, vanilla, tarragon, thyme and rosemary. People with the vata body type should minimize raw food, including salad, though salads should not be eliminated completely as they provide valuable nutrients. But vata should ground the salad with a dressing made from oil and vinegar, and be aware of the weather at the time of eating it. Being more sensitive to cold, vata's should have salads on warmer days. Icy cold drinks are not balancing for vata - in fact quite the opposite. Sugar also throws vata types off balance, though vata are lucky in that they can enjoy other sweets. Vata generally love fruit, and it suits their ayurvedic constitution. The exceptions are apples, pears, cranberries, watermelon and dried fruit. Vata types should go for sweet and moist fruit, like mangoes, nectarines, bananas, coconut, fresh figs, peaches, and strawberries. Cooked grains like oatmeal, basmati rice, and brown rice, are very grounding for the vata ayurvedic constitution. Beans (legumes), on the other hand, are not! Beans are cold, dry, and heavy - not the attributes that support vata. Things that can imbalance vata dominant body types include: * a lot of travel, especially by plane * loud noises * constant stimulation * drugs, sugar and alcohol * cold climates (especially extremely cold ones) and cold food * frozen and dried food Kapha Characteristics of people with a kapha dominant body type: * strength * stamina * endurance * groundedness * calm * fluid Kapha body types are not suited to a high protein diet like the Atkins diet. Not only should they avoid too much fat, but also, excessive heavy protein. The kapha quality is already heavy, and although this doesn't sound great, it is what provides Kapha body types with a wonderful stability and strength. Kapha should have light and low fat protein. Beans, with the exception of soy and soy products, are great for kapha. Soy milk is preferable to dairy though, for kapha. Beans help move kapha's energy, and digestive system, a bit. Barley is also excellent. In terms of meat, chicken and turkey suit kapha. Kapha body types should have plenty of vegetables, including bitter vegetables, peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, lettuce, onions, potatoes, mushrooms, corn cobs, peas, beets, and celery. Dairy is heavy and cooling, and it does not suit the Kapha ayurvedic body type. Light and crispy food, like corn tortillas and popcorn, suit kapha. Kapha people should make sure they have variety in their diet, as kapha body types have a danger of falling into a rut more than others. Asian and Latin American style meals are great for kapha. They are spicy and light, free of dairy, and have plenty of vegetables in them. Things that can imbalance Kapha body types: * inertia * too much fat in the diet, including oil we cook with! * dairy products * not enough stimulation and challenge * not enough variety * not enough exercise * too much bread, iced foods and drinks, and sweets

In Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of healing, wrong and irregular food habits, nervous imbalance, stressed life style, low immunity, non adherence to the natural rhythms of body and negative emotions like jealousy, anger, hatred leads to deranged agni which is the main cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Jathara agni (digestive fire) found in the small intestine helps in breaking down the food in the smaller molecules to be digested easily.
If it is weakened due to above reasons, it leads to indigestion or malabsorption or ama(toxins) and if it is strong a burning sensation can be felt.Digestion is ruled by Jathara Agni by the support vata, pitta and kapha in its own unique manner.
Any imbalance in it affects the role of that particular dosha in the digestive process and in the end affects the function of the other doshas in digestion and manifestation of IBS.Aggravation of doshas leads to deranged digestive fires i.e, Vata dosha leads to Vishama Agni, Pitta aggravation leads to Tikshna Agni and aggravated Kapha leads to Manda Agni.
IBS which is categorised under Grahani, occurs due to one or more of dosha imbalance and it weakens the duodenum. According to Ayurveda, duodenum, helps in digestion and also hold it until it is properly digested and then it allows it to be passed through colon where it is excreted. Its inefficient functioning leads to either releasing its content earlier or retain the content for a longer period. So an alternating loose bowel and constipation occurs which is the main symptom IBS.
Ayurveda aims at eliminating the toxins and restoration of proper digestion and it helps in bringing back the basic strength and immunity of the body thereby treating IBS in a natural way.
Ayurveda, an ancient system of medical system,believes that Irritable bowel syndrome is caused mainly due to accumulated toxins because of improper digestion. Stressed filled life also indirectly contribute to IBS. It emphasis that it can be treated by a little changes in the diet, lifestyle, yogic practice (yogasanas, breathing techniques, meditation) along with the intake of ayurvedic medicines which are in the form of herbal formulas.
They are the nutritional supplements which helps rectify imbalance of doshas.
But consult a ayurvedic practioner as each individual body is unique. Herbs helps mainly in strengthening the digestive process and flushes away the toxins and they have more anti oxidant actvity. Kaidaryadi qwath, Kaidaryadi tab, Pippalysavam, Indukantam tablet, Dadimadi choornam, Vaiswanara choornam etc are the medicines. Also following too are used to treat IBS.
Vrukshamla, Amlavetasa, Dadima and Badara in the form of powder along with trikatu (Pippali, Shunthi, Black Pepper), five salts added with sugar can be used with vegetables, pulses, cooked cereals.Always while take soups (raddish soup. Cereal )with black pepper and add Panchakola to it.
Triphala capsules (Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Emblica officnalis gaertn) is very helpful in detoxitification process and it strengthens the whole gastro intestinal tract thereby helping to treat IBS.
Ayurvedic Trikatau special rasayana is effective one for fighting IBS. Home remedy that is recommended by ayurveda is ginger and amla.Herbs like Peppermint (has anti-spasmodic actions), Fennel, Chamomile, Caraway are safe when used in correct dosages.
Diarrheal IBS can be treated by rhkutaj ghan bati, Hingwashtak churna, Kapoor ras etc.Constipation I.B.S are taken care by Avipatiikar churna, Brihut Triphala Churna, Haritaki Churna, Caster oil, oshnodak Bastee and other.
To attain a balanced mind which indirectly helps to fight IBS, Ashwagandha churna, Saraswat churna, Maha sudershanadi churna, Brahmi churna, Saraswatha ghritham, Saraswatharishta, Aswagandharishta should be taken.
Wind in stomach I.B.S are treated by. Chitrakadi bati, Lashunadi bati, Madur Kshar with Nimbu swaras.

According to Ayurveda- Obesity or being overweight is a serious health wizard putting extra burden not only on heart but also puts extra strain on liver, kidneys and weight bearing joints such as hips, knees and ankles. Obesity is the leading cause of many problems like coronary heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. There are many weight loss herbs without any side effects and we are providing the best of them.


Yoga and Pranayama is an important measure to reduce work place negativity, tension, anxiety and so many other problems. Sleep problems are some of the most common problems parents face with their kids. Some children may have chronic sleep difficulties, and many children are actually going through their days sleep-deprived. Many people complain that they can't fall asleep or stay asleep, or that they are sleepy during the day, but few consider these to be symptoms of a sleep disorder. Sleep deprivation is a symptom of a sleep disorder. Some sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, are best treated pharmacologically, whereas others, such as chronic and primary insomnia, are more amenable to behavioral interventions. Many childhood sleep problems are related to poor sleep habits or to anxiety about going to bed and falling asleep. Persistent sleep problems may also be symptoms of emotional difficulties.
Sleep problems may be caused by or the result of disorders in various systems of the body. Sleep apnea, for example, is a respiratory disorder while narcolepsy is a neurological disorder. If a person has experienced sleeping difficulties for a month or more, this is called persistent or chronic insomnia. Some children will do all they can to prevent separation at bedtime. However, to help minimize common sleep problems, a parent should develop consistent bedtime and regular bedtime and sleep routines for children. Parents often find that feeding and rocking help an infant to get to sleep. However, other medical specialties also offer treatment for sleep disorders. Regular practice of pranayam and yoga cures insomnia and sleeplessness and gives better health. If every person follows this regime, this will eradicate diseases from world.
Ayurveda on Sleep Problems:
According to the Ayurveda, sleeplessness results in laziness, tiredness, inertia, dizziness, feeling of heaviness, body ache etc. Head ache, high temperature, cough are the results of continued untimely sleep. Ayurveda also says that over sleep can cause diabetes. People having depression, schizophrenia, and similar psychological disorders have been found to improve their condition if they get enough deep sleep.


Depression is a neurological disorder. When a person is too overcome with negative emotions, it becomes difficult to focus on any other issue. The person may become lethargic and lose interest in what is going on around them.
Such a state may occur when a person fails in an examination, loses a job, gets jilted by a lover, gets divorced, loses some dear one, etc. Some people are able to get over their emotions quickly. But in some others, depressions may last for several days, weeks or even months.
In Ayurveda, depression is known as Chittavsada. It is caused by the increase in the tamas and rajas of the mind with a vitiation of the kapha dosha. Sometimes, an imbalanced vata may also be responsible for depression.
Depression needs to be looked after and treated as soon as it is identified. In some people, depression may be very dangerous as they could resort to endangering their own and other people’s lives.
(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Depression
1. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Ashwagandha has the requisite properties to remove negative thoughts from the mind. The aphrodisiac properties of ashwagandha also help in improving the mind and removing depression.
2. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Brahmi is prescribed before a yogic session. The reason is that brahmi helps to relax the mind and bring it to a comfortable state. Brahmi is very popularly available in the form of oils. The oil has a cooling and soothing effect on the mind. Regular use of this oil can prevent the person from feeling depressed.
3. Cardamom (Elattaria cardamomum)
Cardamom has a very pleasing odor which can soothe the nerves. When a person is depressed, a tea made by putting cardamom in it can have almost miraculous effects.
4. Guggulu (Commiphora wightii)
Guggulu has become the focus of attention recently due to the presence of special chemicals in it called as guggulsterones. These chemicals improve the nervous coordination and hence are beneficial in the treatment of depression. Guggulu is more effective in depression caused due to seasonal affective disorder.
5. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)
Jatamansi brings a calming effect on the mind. By canalizing the energies of the mind in the right direction, jatamansi can remove the depressive thoughts.
6. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is effective in treating depression that is caused by the change of seasons, i.e. seasonal affective disorder.
(2) Dietary Treatments for Depression
For people with depression a heavy food is not advised. The person must not eat to the full capacity. Hot, spicy and pungent tastes must be avoided as these will aggravate the senses further. Fluids and fresh vegetables (in salads) must become an important part of every meal. The person can have cool sherbets like rose sherbet in the middle of the day, especially in the afternoons and when the evening is beginning. Tea and coffee may be taken occasionally to stimulate the brain.
Most people with depression lose their appetite and desire to eat. For such people, food must not be forced, or it could lead to vomiting. When such a disinterest in food occurs, fruits can be consumed. A diet rich in fruits is beneficial in the treatment of depression.
(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Depression
Even in Ayurveda, a psychological counseling between the physician and the patient is undertaken. This helps the physician to understand the root cause of the depression. Then they can take the formulated steps to cure the problem. Such counseling is done to increase the sattva of the mind.
Slowly allowing a stream of water to fall in the center of the forehead enables the mind to remove its negativistic thoughts and focus more on a positive outlook. This therapy is known as shirodhara and it is becoming very popular in the western world also. An alternative therapy is shirobasti. The oil massage therapy called as abhyanga is also very useful.
Ayurverdic professionals also advocate the use of yoga in keep the mind restful. Praanayama and yoga must become an important part of a person’s daily routine. This helps to concentrate the mind on positive thoughts and depression will never occur. Yogic asanas that are beneficial to people with depression are bhujangasana, halasana, paschimottasana, sarvangasana, shalabhasana, shavasana and vakrasana. In addition, pranayamas like bhastrika and kapalbhati are very strongly advised.
(4) Home Medications
1. Get someone do a good head massage with a cooling oil like brahmi oil.
2. Improve the regimen of your day. Begin with yoga in the morning and then listen to good soothing music. For some people, visiting their religious places of worship also helps to come out of depression.
3. Focus your mind in other activities and hobbies in order to keep the thoughts causing depression away.
4. You can try eating an apple with milk and honey. This helps to improve the mood.
5. Simple lemon juice (the extract of one lemon in a glass of water, sweetened with sugar) is also good. It releases stress-removing hormones and brings the mind at ease.


Ayurveda has been considered as one of the best remedies for getting acne free skin. Acne problem which is prevalent amongst teenagers as well as adults include pimples, white-heads, blackheads, acne spots and acne scars. In Ayurveda, acne is treated with the help of natural detoxifier and blood purifier such as neem. Thus, neem is one of the important ingredients in various Ayurvedic products such as ointments and oral medicines that are available in the market. Also, in Ayurveda, acne treatment is done by correcting doshas: kaptha, vata and Rakhta dhatu.
According to Ayurveda, acne is caused due to two doshas: Kaptha and Vata. Besides, acne is also caused by Rakta dhatu which means blood. Ayurveda says that vata gets defected when somebody does not follow a healthy lifestyle. Defect in vata sequentially provoke two more doshas: kapha and pitta. It is the pitta which affects the blood or rakta dhatu. Thus, all these factors ultimately result in the flawed blood. It is due to flawed blood which makes sebaceous glands secrete oil in excess. Kapha having oil property is forced to make the oil secreted by sebaceous gland, sticky in such a case. It is this stickiness which results in the clogging of pores on our skin and ultimately results in acne.


Most women dream about having beautiful shining hair. They use a wide variety of hair care products like shampoos, conditioners and oils to take good care of their hair. But little do they know that some of the hair care products may have harmful affects on their hair because of the presence of some chemicals in the products. It is due to the indiscriminate use of hair care products that most women today are in search of some hair care remedies to restore natural hair growth.
Similarly, some women are using some hair styling agents that can be damaging to the natural health of the hair. If they want to maintain the natural hair growth it is essential that they stop using such products and use natural hair care products derived from plants and herb extracts.
Nature has given us many herbs that are known to prevent hair loss. There are some herbs that act as natural hair growth stimulants – they improve the blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate the growth of hair follicles. They activate the dermal papilla in the hair follicles and kindle overall scalp metabolism to enhance the natural hair growth cycles.
Experimental studies show that the extracts from grape seeds increase the production of cells in the hair follicle. It has also been observed that the grape extracts affect the hair growth cycles to have more natural growth. Grape seed extracts promote healthy hair growth by defeating the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that stops the hair growth. The agents in grape seeds help in facilitating the follicles to move from telogen (resting) to the anagen (growing) phase at a faster rate.
Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts act as good tonic and one of the most used hair care remedies. The extract helps to increase and maintain peripheral micro-capillary circulation, ultimately improving or maintaining natural hair growth. The hair growth is stimulated through combined effects on proliferation and apoptosis (cell death) of the cells in the hair follicle.
Aloe vera (aloe barbadensis) is a natural hair care remedy, which can be used for treating alopecia. It contains aloenin, a potent stimulant which promotes rapid hair growth without any irritation in the scalp.
Sage (Salvia officinalis), also called ‘common sage’ or ‘garden sage’ is generally used as hair rinses or skin lotions. It is especially helpful in maintaining sheen of dark curly hair. When blended with rosemary it stimulates hair growth. The constituents that are responsible for its hair growth stimulating effects are tannins, saponins, borneol and camphor.
You can improve the general health of your hair by using natural oil as a hair care accessory. Oils such as coconut oil, rosemary, West Indian bay and chamomile are some of the natural oils that are known to help in hair growth.
Coconut oil is a triglyceride having a high affinity for hair proteins. Because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, it is able to penetrate the hair shaft. This hair care oil lubricates and gives a smooth feel to dry hair shafts. It also heals the structure of damaged hair and protects it from harmful UVA radiation.
Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) is a medicinal herb used for treating various hair ailments. It is also used as a natural hair conditioner, especially for dark hair. It is also used as a treatment for dandruff. Rosemary oil stimulates the growth of hair. The main constituent of this hair care oil is caffeic acid and its derivative rosmarinic acid has antioxidant effects that help in providing shine to hair.
Lavender oil when used as a hair care accessory not only helps in treating lice and fleas in the hair, but also gives a pleasant aroma to your hair. It is also used to treat itchiness and psoriasis in the scalp. Researches have shown that lavender oil may be effective against alopecia areata and may help prevent hair loss.


Panchakarma Treatment is wealth for our health
This treatment is used for skin problems, asthma, diabetes, chronic sinus or lung infections, epilepsy, heart disease, and digestive disorders. Niruha basti uses special herbal solutions, and treats conditions including skin diseases, liver problems, abdominal tumors, parasites, and chronic fevers. For therapeutic enemas, medicinal oils and herbal solutions are used to cleanse the lower bowels. Niruha and anuvasana basti are used to treat conditions such as constipation, arthritis, nervous disorders, colitis, headaches, muscle weakness, and lower back pain.
After cleansing methods are performed, patients go through an important aftercare stage called paschata karma. Psychological care and counseling may be part of the healing program, as panchakarma strives to cleanse the patient of emotional problems in addition to physical ones. Patients are also counseled about preventative practices. Dietary changes are carefully planned, and lifestyle considerations are examined and recommended. Exercise programs, such as yoga, and stress-management techniques, including meditation, may be introduced to patients during or after panchakarma, and herbal remedies may be prescribed as well.
Panchakarma treatment can vary in length from a couple days to several weeks. Some clinics offer in-patient services, during which patients are intensively treated around the clock with medical supervision, dietary therapy, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, and other therapies. Most clinics offer out-patient services, during which panchakarma treatments may take two or more hours per day until completed.
The extensive process involves a series of procedures categorized under purva karma, pradhan karma & paschat karma. Purvakarma part of Panchakarma is needed to prepare the body before the actual process of purification begins. The two procedures are `snehan` and `swedan`. In snehan oil is massaged in a special way that facilitates the movement of the toxins towards the gastro-intestinal tract. Swedan is induced sweating that loosens the toxins from the body of the individual.

In panchakarma, there are two main types of therapy. Shamana is the supportive therapies that include the preparation and post-therapy measures. The main treatment is called shodhana and refers to pancakarma's five main cleansing and elimination procedures. During preparation for panchakarma, oil therapy (termed snehana in Ayurveda) is the first treatment. Patients are given oil massages--abhyangais full body massage and shirodhaya is forehead massage. They are fed dietary oils to lubricate the digestive tract, and are sometimes administered oil enemas. For stress-related and mental conditions, a special oil massage is given during which oil is steadily poured onto the patient's forehead. Oil therapy may be used for up to a week before the main treatment. Sweating therapy (swedana) is another preparation that uses saunas, steam rooms, heated clothing, herbal poultices, and exercise.
The five main methods of panchakarma are therapeutic vomiting (vamana), purgation (virechana), enema therapy (niruha basti for medicated enemas and anuvasana basti for oil enemas), and nasal cleansing (nasya). Depending on the health problem, one or more of these methods are used to cleanse the body and promote healing. Other Ayurvedic therapies may be used in conjunction as well.