Quit Smoking By Facing Your Psychological Addiction

Friday, September 26, 2008

When you’ve been addicted to nicotine, the thought of trying to quit smoking can be intimidating. Aside from the physical withdrawal symptoms, there’s a psychological addiction to the habit-forming drug.

If you’re setting out on a mission to quit smoking, make sure you implement a plan to attack your mental habit as well as face the withdrawal of nicotine physically from your body. Medications and counseling can contribute to an easier time when you quit smoking, because it’s an emotional and social habit as well as just a habit of motion, taking your fingers to and from your mouth to inhale a cigarette.

There are many ways to get psychological help for your addiction. They need to be done in conjunction with the physical removal of nicotine, not just before or after you’ve quit smoking.You may opt for phone counseling, which you can find through the American Cancer Society’s Quitline. This way you’re connected with a trained counselor whenever you need help with your plans to quit smoking.

There are some common traps counselors can help you avoid that usually cause someone who has quit smoking to return to the nasty habit. Phone counseling is a convenient way to reach out for support because it’s available at all times, from anywhere you have a phone connection.Some people who want to quit smoking need to do nothing more than turn to family and friends in their time of need. It’s especially helpful if there’s someone you know who has already quit smoking and will understand what you’re going through.

There are also programs organized specifically for people who want to quit smoking. Being a part of a group can be beneficial in giving you the extra support you need to break the habit once and for all.You may discover that you prefer individual counseling over group meetings, but either way, counseling helps people quit smoking more than those who try to go it alone. Some organizations will be intense, and others more flexible. The more intense it is, the higher your chance of success to quit smoking.If you feel like your addiction is strong, then try to find a frequent meeting that lasts at least half an hour. Try to find those with experience to help you with you quit smoking. Never fall for the quick and easy claims some groups make just to take your money


It’s a fact, America is becoming obese at an alarming rate and the rest of the world is following close behind. We are eating more (and more of the wrong stuff) and exercising less or getting no exercise at all. Our health is in steep decline and doctor and hospital visits are at all time highs. Just a brisk 30-minute walk a day can begin to turn that around

You name it, we have it, and it’s getting worse. Heart and cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, out of control blood sugar levels, diabetes, obesity, and more. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends getting at least 20-30 minutes of moderate activity each day and many of us are falling far short of even that.Studies show the average person takes about 3000 to 5000 steps a day, and some even much less. Let’s face it, we just do not get the exercise our ancestors did a hundred or so years ago and we tend to eat more refined foods. For some of us, most of steps we take are from the easy chair in front of the TV to the fridge so we can fill up on snacks. For others, like me, we sit at a computer all day as part of our jobs.
Many fitness experts recommend we walk 10,000 steps a day to maintain our weight and overall good health. 10,000 steps are approximately 5 miles, give or take depending on the length of your stride. You will need to purchase and wear a pedometer to count how many steps you take each day. Follow the directions that usually come with the pedometer. Do this for a week or two and you will get a good average step count. Your goal is to reach 10,000 or more steps each day. There is nothing magical about 10,000, but it will put you in the right ballpark.As a general rule, a person will burn about 100 calories walking a mile, depending on age, size, and fitness level. The heavier you are, the more calories you will burn.Become creative on ways to increase your steps. At work, go for walks at lunchtime. Go for walks with your spouse or children. Walk the dog. Walk to the store instead of driving, or park at the far end of the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. For me, I take brisk 2-mile walks around the neighborhood twice a day everyday (aerobic walking). Just do whatever works best for you, but do it! You will need good walking shoes and socks to prevent injury when walking for exercise (like aerobic walking).


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A green tea diet is a highly protective and nutritious diet that promotes an overall healthy well-being and possibly a means of reducing body weight. There are multifaceted factors that are highly responsible for the growing need to lose weight. Perhaps it is due to the increasing stress brought about by modern lifestyle, kinds of foods and advanced technologies which are contributory to the increasing rate of obesity that gave rise to the numerous types of diet regimens.One potential agent that is believed to promote weight loss is green tea.

There was an astounding acceptance of the dieting public that a green tea diet can be an effective means of losing weight.With green tea diet as a potential weight loss agent, one can trace such claims from the numerous health benefits that are obtained from green tea. Many find the ultimate solution for losing excess weight is a green tea diet owing to epigallocatechin gallate commonly called as EGCG which is a chemical component extracted from green tea.To understand the weight loss essentials from a green tea diet an understanding about the chemical components of green tea can provide an overview for a better comprehension of the health benefits from a green tea diet.The EGCG found from green tea is a polyphenol that can accelerate metabolism of a human 4 times more than the natural metabolism process of the body. It is due to increasing the heat production through a process called thermogenesis that influences the enzymatic metabolism of the body. It goes along that when the body metabolizes faster the rate of burning fats and calories are also accelerated. Hence, a person with a green tea diet can promote a faster metabolic rate of the body that promotes an enhanced weight loss.

The green tea diet is not only associated with loss weight effects although further studies are needed to prove this claim but there are other scientific studies that provide evidence that other health benefits can be obtained from a green tea diet.The polyphenol extracted from the green tea leaves are also capable of normalizing the blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer. It is a chemical that is high in its antioxidant level that promotes a healthy bodily system.The chemical components that are responsible for the effectiveness of a green tea diet are also capable of regulating the blood sugar level of the body thereby inhibits the sudden increase of insulin and fat conversion in diabetic individuals after food intake.

A green tea diet also has an effect to a person's appetite which naturally decreases the pang of hunger which encourages a good weight loss process in general. Although no scientific studies can actually prove that green tea diet can guarantee weight loss, it does have the chemicals that prove to be effective in protecting the body from harmful illnesses and that can be attributed to physiological process that promotes weight loss


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We are all susceptible to it. Sitting at the computer, drivingin our cars, sleeping at night … it can hit at any moment.

Yes,it's called NECK PAIN, but there could be more to that possiblydebilitating discomfort. The occurrence of acute neck pain caneventually lead to chronic neck pain if not treated, causingmajor problems down the road. Neck pain can cause permanent damage especially if not treatedcorrectly and in a timely manner. Around 10% of Americans dealwith some kind of neck pain each year, according to The AmericanCollege of Rheumatology. Pain in the neck can come about mostcommonly from an injury, a strain, or even just plain aging. Acute neck pain can be treated in faster ways, but thousands ofpeople also deal with persistent neck pain. For example, acuteneck pain can happen when one sleeps awkwardly. If a painoccurs in the neck for a longer period of time though, itshouldn't be shrugged off. When untreated, issues in the spineand bones connected to the neck can arise and prove to causefuture problems. People who work behind a computer all day long, or get into acar accident and experience whiplash are more susceptible toneck pain.

However, an accident in the car or in some other vehicle cancause severe whiplash. Whiplash is a leading cause of neck painand the painful symptoms that come from such an accident"generally develop 24 to 48 hours after the injury," accordingto the American College of Rheumatology. A herniated disc is a common cause of neck discomfort,especially after a whiplash injury. Heavy lifting andsport-related activities are also causes of this. When a nerveroot is being pinched in the neck by a bulging disc, pain canoccur. The first seven vertebrae in a human's body, known as thecervical spine, are very much related directly to this type ofneck pain since a disc is between each vertebra. The spinal cordcan become irritated once the bulge has become a persistentproblem. The jelly-like material in a disc can rupture throughand cause a problem such as a bulge or a herniation. The reason someone gets a herniated disc is because the bulgehas advanced in the spinal region and caused some wear and tear.The tearing over time can go far beyond pain. A person canexperience a variety of problems when this occurs, includingnumbness in their arms, or even a weakness in the functioningabilities of their hands. This can lead to possible long-termneck pain if not treated correctly. A life with neck pain is not a comfortable one, so anindividual should take the necessary steps to care for theirneck. There are steps we can all take to make sure we don'texperience such discomforts. People experiencing pain in their neck should contact theirlocal chiropractor for more informationSitting behind a computer all day long can negatively impact aperson's body. The neck gets overused, especially if a personis tense and stressed out while working. The nervous tension andthe potential poor posture of someone working at a computer allday long, can definitely lead to pain in the neck area.

Driving a car with poor posture can also lead to neck pain;however, an accident in the car or in some other vehicle cancause severe whiplash. Whiplash is a leading cause of neck painand the painful symptoms that come from such an accident"generally develop 24 to 48 hours after the injury," accordingto the American College of Rheumatology. A herniated disc is a common cause of neck discomfort,especially after a whiplash injury.

Heavy lifting andsport-related activities are also causes of this. When a nerveroot is being pinched in the neck by a bulging disc, pain canoccur. The first seven vertebrae in a human's body, known as thecervical spine, are very much related directly to this type ofneck pain since a disc is between each vertebra. The spinal cordcan become irritated once the bulge has become a persistentproblem. The jelly-like material in a disc can rupture throughand cause a problem such as a bulge or a herniation. The reason someone gets a herniated disc is because the bulgehas advanced in the spinal region and caused some wear and tear.The tearing over time can go far beyond pain. A person canexperience a variety of problems when this occurs, includingnumbness in their arms, or even a weakness in the functioningabilities of their hands. This can lead to possible long-termneck pain if not treated correctly. A life with neck pain is not a comfortable one, so anindividual should take the necessary steps to care for theirneck. There are steps we can all take to make sure we don'texperience such discomforts. People experiencing pain in their neck should contact theirlocal chiropractor for more information


Every human being has a thyroid gland. It is located above thetrachea. It looks like a butterfly in the middle of our throats.This incredible yet small organ plays an important role in ourbody, because this is where our hormones are produced. Whichobviously means the thyroid gland regulates the amount of energyand vitamins the body absorbs and excretes. But like any normal body organ a thyroid gland also may causesever damage to the body. Thyroid problems happen when there isa huge amount of irregularity in the production of the hormones.This may lead to serious repercussions to the rest of humanbody.
There are two types of thyroid problem; they are calledhypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism happened when the thyroid gland doesn't produceenough hormones for the body. People suffering from thiscondition experience slow metabolism, fatigue and goiter.Hyperthyroidism is exactly the opposite, the metabolism is fasterand the body excretes too much energy. You may not know it but you might be suffering from a thyroidproblem unknowingly. So how do we as common people diagnose athyroid problem? Here are some simple steps you can follow tohelp save lives:
☺Step 1: Look for symptoms Hypothyroidism – symptoms include: fatigue, constipation,easily feels cold, dry skin, lack of appetite, deeper voice andsometimes hair fall and depression. Hyperthyroidism – symptoms may appear as: insomnia,nervousness, unusual sweating, increase lost of weight, frequentbowel movement and difficulty in concentrating similar toconfusion.
☺Step 2: If you feel the symptoms, study your medical history.Finding the root cause of the disease will make it easier foryou to find the appropriate treatment. Here are some causes of thyroid problems: Hyperthyroidism – Graves disease, pituitary gland problems,toxic adenomas and subacute thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism – Hashimoto's thyroiditis, removal of thyroidgland, too much iodide in the body and exposure to lithium.
☺Step 3: Be sure to seek medical help especially if thecondition have worsen. Look out for these symptoms as well:shortness of breath, vomiting, abdominal and chest pain, highirritability level, confusion and coma.
☺Step 4: As soon as you seek professional care, make sure youare ready to take a series of test that will determine thestatus of your Thyroid problem.
☺Step 5: Prepare to know the results of you test. There are twodistinct ways to diagnose if a patient has hyperthyroidism orhypothyroidism. For hyperthyroidism, your thyroid stimulatinghormone (TSH) serum is lower compared to the standard. While forhypothyroidism, the TSH is higher than the normal rate.
☺Step 6: If your result matches any one of the two types, youbetter seek medication or treatment. Treatment will depend onhow severe the problem may be. There are different treatmentsavailable so you don't need to fret. Thyroid problems may cause harsh damages to the body, but it isone of the easiest diseases to cure. We recommend that youresearch and consult your doctor regularly, to avoidabnormalities in the body.

Protein foods

Monday, September 15, 2008

  • With all of the low carb diets out today, and all of thewonderful work Dr. Atkins has done to show us how cutting carbscan be a very effective way to lose weight, I'm sure that youprobably know about the great benefits of protein. If not, thenvisit my blog where I constantly reveal my findings on that.Anyway the goal of these diets is to increase protein intakewhile drastically reducing carbohydrate consumption, so thatyour body will burn fat instead of carbohydrates forenergy...very effective, although I really do not believe indiets which is another story.

  • Anyway, I am always looking forhigh protein foods that are low in fat.Also there are manydifferent types of proteins that I have read about, but I putthem all into two categories which are regular protein andcasein protein. The difference is that regular proteins areabsorbed right away, while casein protein are absorbed overtime. As I mentioned earlier I am always looking for high proteinfoods and these are the ones I use on a daily basis that areeasy on the pocket and can be picked up from any local grocerystore: EGG WHITES - 4g protein Serving size: 1 egg No, eggs are not just from breakfast! I eat egg whites any timea day, even though my typical breakfast usually consists ofabout 6 egg whites. They have no carbs, virtually no fat, andhas only 16 calories! It's almost the perfect food.

  • Tilapia fillet - 6g protein Serving size: 1oz This is another one of those perfect foods in my opinion...mostfish is and I'm sure that you have heard that before. Theproblem with fish is usually the price tag and that's why I liketilapia so much. It's relatively inexpensive and it's reallyeasy to prepare. Just add some lime, salt and pepper and sautéfor about 10 mins on each side and you're ready to go. Don't Isound like a chef?! Cottage Cheese - 31g protein Serving size: 1 cup Surprisingly I have read a number of articles stating thatcottage cheese is bad for you...one article even said that it'sthe "fat people's food." After reading that, I remember checkingthe label again to see if I missed something.

  • I guess the reasonpeople think it's so bad is because of the high sodium contentat 918mb however, one of those TV dinners has about 930mg ofsodium...so I would rather eat a cup of cottage cheese than oneof those any day. I usually use cottage cheese as part of mylast meal of the day since its high in casein protein. Thisenables my body to have some protein when it repairs it's selfas I sleep. Soymilk - 8g protein Serving size: 1 cup When I am looking to add some mass I drink a cup of soy withevery meal. It gives me an added 8g of protein per meal at acost of 4g of fat...which is not bad at all when I'm bulking. IfI'm in a cutting phase, I substitute for a cup of skim milkwhich has 0g fat with the same 8g of protein but it doesn't havethe taste! Or I just grab a cup of the best drink ever...WATER!

  • So basically these are four of the high protein foods I usealmost daily. I always look for foods with a low fat to proteinratio, while being easy on the pocket. For protein power I justdiscovered what's called "Non-Denatured" whey protein...It' ssupposed to be protein at its most natural form. I've ordered abottle from Sweden, I'll keep you posted.About The Author: Are you tired or STRUGGLING every single dayto lose weight or build muscle with no results? Or is it thatyou just don't know where to start? Learn the secrets to buildmuscle and burn fat ......

Medicinal herbs

  • As far back as prehistoric times medicinal herbs were used totreat a myriad of maladies and even to cure disease. Today, withan ever-increasing focus on Western medicine, medicinal herbsare largely overlooked as valid options for treating sickness.However, there are many who continue to promote the positivebenefits of medicinal herbs as an alternative – or supplement -to modern medicine. And, having demonstrated a history ofsuccess, it's not difficult to see why.

  • Medicinal herbs were discovered throughout a host of ancientcultures – from the Chinese to the Native Americans – and werestudied and classified to help organize and maximize their uses.Much of what we know now is due in large part to this historicundertaking. Everything from ginger root to dandelion has a specificfunction as a medicinal herb. And in certain combinations, thesenatural wonders have been known to alleviate everything fromacne to infertility. St. John's Wort has shown great promise asa mild antidepressant; Catnip works quite well as a feverreducer; ginger aids digestion; and the list goes on and on. Asalways, nature has found a way to assist us in a variety ofhealth-related issues. Learning the types of medicinal herbs and their uses andbenefits takes quite a bit of research. Luckily, an enormousamount of information can be found online. But to reallyunderstand the uses of medicinal herbs and the impact they canhave on your overall health, it's best to work with someone wellversed in this arena.

  • Try visiting a local health food store oreven chat with experts online to find what medicinal herbs maywork for you. Of course, the use of medicinal herbs to treat ailments – oreven supplement treatment – is not recommended without thesupport of a medical professional. But once you begin tounderstand the positive benefits medicinal herbs can have inyour life, you'll likely continue on this enormously rewardingjourney.

Cure for mouth ulcer

  • A mouth ulcer is an open wound in the mouth where tender nerveendings are exposed and can often cause extreme pain to theperson who is affected with them especially when they can becomeirritated. Often a person suffering from mouth ulcers will findit difficult to eat, drink and sometimes even talk andunfortunately these exposed ulcers are vulnerable to infectionby bacteria that is find in our mouth and unfortunately createeven more pain. Many mouth ulcers often seem to start off as a small bubble orblister which then becomes open and ulcerated and this is whenthe pain really starts.

  • However, they can be causedaccidentally by someone biting themselves or there lips are sodry that they crack and then the ulcers begin to form on theirlips. Normally mouth ulcers are caused by either virus, bacteria orfungus and may result in the body's own immune system attackingthe mucosal lining of the mouth. In some cases people whosuffer from either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease(intestinal conditions) may find themselves suffering from mouthulcers also. A good way of treating mouth ulcers is with coconut oil whichkills the bacteria that causes them. It is also good fortreating throat infections, gum disease and cavities. Certainlythe Pacific Islanders who have a coconut based diet haveexcellent dental health and rarely suffer from mouth ulcers evenwhen they have never brushed their teeth or used floss oranti-bacterial mouthwash.

  • Certainly coconut oil is ideal for helping to relieve the painfelt from mouth ulcers instantly all you need is get atablespoon of coconut oil and hold it for a minute on the mouthulcer. Soon you will feel the pain going away and this reliefseems to last for quite a while because of the MCFA's (mediumchain fatty acids) find in coconut oil which are rapidlyabsorbed in to the body and thus the healing process isaccelerated. The way coconut oil works is that it has anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and which can help tocombat viruses, bacteria and fungus that can be found in apersons mouth and will cause ulcers. The MCFA's which are incoconut oil also help to enhance the body's own immune systemand thus help it to fight viruses, fungus and bacterialproblems. Also coconut oil is great for helping a person'sintestinal system by killing any fungi found in the intestinaltract.

  • Above are a number of reasons as to why coconut oil can notonly help to treat and heal mouth ulcers but also to helpprevent them from forming. Also coconut oil is not messy toapply to the ulcer and is completely edible and natural.

benefits of egg

  • It's not surprising that eggs are enjoying a renewed status inthe eyes of many health conscious people. They are nutritionaldynamos containing almost every essential vitamin and mineralnecessary for humans, yet they only have about 75 calories, and can be a significant source ofomega-3 oils. Omega-3 Eggs Many egg companies are now feeding their hens a special diet toincrease the amount of omega-3 oils in their eggs. The speciallyfed hens produce eggs with an omega-3 content three to six times(approximately 100-200 mg per egg) more than that of a regularegg.

  • This special diet is composed of a mixture of feedsincluding ingredients such as: flaxseed, marine algae, fish,safflower oil, and fish oil. The human body cannot manufactureomega-3's, they must be acquired from food or supplements.Remember though that in order to reap the benefits of theomega-3 oils in eggs one must eat the yolk, because that iswhere the omega-3's are found. Cholesterol You might be thinking: "eggs might have a lot of healthbenefits, but what about all the cholesterol? " Well, althougheggsdo contain cholesterol, research indicates that dietarycholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol in healthypeople. Cholesterol is divided into two types: High-densityLipoproteins (HDL, or "good'' cholesterol) , and Low-densityLipoproteins (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) . Eating eggs enrichedwith omega-3 might actually help to lower LDL (bad cholesterol)levels.

  • Cholesterol is necessary for life it is not a toxicsubstance. It is necessary in the building and maintenance ofcell membranes; it helps strengthen them, repair them and helpsthem maintain their fluidity.

  • Cholesterol is also used to growand maintain brain and nerve tissue. It is found throughout thebody. It is essential in the formation of bile salts (which arenecessary for fat digestion) and it is involved in the body'smanufacture of several hormones including adrenal andreproductive hormones. It is even the raw material from whichvitamin D is made. Omega-6, Omega-3 Ratio Most people seem to think that omega-6 fats are bad and omega-3fats are good, but that is not true. The fact is that the bodyneeds both of these polyunsaturated fats. Both of these fats arenecessary to good health, they complement each other insupporting vital body functions.

  • The problem is that the typicalAmerican diet contains about 20 times as much omega-3 fats as itdoes omega-3 fats. The most desirable ratio is about 4:1, So theproblem is that we don't consume enough omega 3's, and weconsume far too many omega-6's. The more omega-6's you consumethe less the body is able to utilize the omega-3's you consume.How do we get so many omega-6 oils in our diet? Well, some ofthe most plentiful sources of omega-6 fats in our diet are fromrefined vegetable oils (soy oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc.)that are found in margarine.

  • Also most fast foods, and foodslike as biscuits, cake, pizza, and quick snacks like storebought dips, potato chips and pretzels contain an overabundanceof omega-6 fats. The overabundance of omega-6 fats in our diet causesinflammation in our bodies. One of the areas that thisinflammation plays a significant role is in the buildup ofplaque in the coronary artery. The plaque narrows or completelyblocks the artery, resulting in a heart attack. Too much omega-6in the body also makes the blood platelets more sticky, whichcauses blood clots. These clots can get large enough to havecatastrophic effects, they can block blood flow to the braincausing a stroke, the heart causing a heart attack, or even thelungs (Pulmonary Embolism causing breathing problems.

  • They caneven cause deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which are clots usuallyfound in the lower legs and thighs. Benefits Of Omega-3 Fats ...reduce inflammation ...keep platelets less sticky acting like an anticoagulant(blood thinner) and decreasing the risk of blood clot formation,helping to protect against heart attack, stroke and DVT ...may protect against the accumulation of a protein thought tobe associated with Alzheimer's ...Lowers the risk of an initial heart attack by 20-40 percent,and the risk of dying suddenly during and post heart attack by20-40 percent ...help reduce the risk of cancer and my help to inhibit it'sgrowth ...Omega 3's can help us reduce fat and maintain a leanerhealthier body ...contribute to eye health (a significant cause of MacularDegeneration is the lack of Omega 3 oils in the diet. ...help fight depression, anxiety ...help to lessen tendencies toward impulsiveness or aggression...help to control hormone levels ...can help control the inflammation of arthritis, and otherinflammatory diseases Even More Nutrients Eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These are carotenoidsthat reduce risk of cataracts and age related maculardegeneration.

  • Although egg yolks contain much less lutein thanspinach, the lutein in eggs is in a form that is much moreavailable to the body. They are also an excellent source of choline, which isessential for the function of all the cells in the human body,and are also a respectable source of folate, iron, riboflavin,vitamins D, E and B 12. In addition to all of this eggs are alsoan excellent source of protein! There is no question that eggs are beneficial to your health.So if you haven't done so already, it is time to revisit thislittle nutritional dynamo!

type2 diabetes diet

  • Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produceenough insulin to break down glucose in the blood. That is whypeople with type 2 diabetes take insulin shots, to help raisetheir insulin level and break down the glucose. But there areways to structure your type 2 diabetes diet that can help youmanage your diabetes better and even potentially reduce theeffects of the diabetes.

  • The first way you can help yourself isto simply lose weight and get more exercise. Type 2 diabetesthrives in larger inactive people. So reducing your mass andincreasing your blood flow and help reduce the effects of thetype 2 diabetes. But here are some things you can do in a type 2diabetes diet that can also help reduce the effects of yourdiabetes. Simple carbohydrates are really bad to have in a type 2diabetes diet. Refined sugars and sweets are dangerous and cancause a dangerous rise in the glucose level in your blood. Whatyou want to do is increase your intake of complex carbohydratesand fibers to help reduce the need for your system to produceinsulin as quick as it would need to with simple carbohydrates.

  • Complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables are idealfor a type 2 diabetes diet because they are broken down slowlyby your system and even a person with diabetes will have aneasier time digesting complex carbohydrates because the insulindemand on the system is lower. So eat your fruits and vegetablesand make sure you also get fiber into your type 2 diabetes diet.In a type 2 diabetes diet you want anywhere from 10% to 20% ofyour daily intake of calories to have protein in it. Protein isan essential part of any diet but people on a type 2 diabetesdiet especially want to make sure that they are getting theirshare of protein. Avoid doing much more that 20% as that canpotentially lead to problems.

  • Obesity is common in patients withtype 2 diabetes and this condition appears to be related toinsulin resistance. The primary dietary goal for overweight type2 patients is weight loss and maintenance. Studies indicate thatwhen people with type 2 diabetes maintain intensive exercise anddiet modification programs, many can minimize or even avoidmedications. Weight loss medications or bariatric surgery may beappropriate for some patients. Try and keep your fat intake to less than 30% of your dailycalorie count and try to eat as little saturated fats aspossible. It is ideal to try and keep your saturated fat intakeeach day to a level below 10% of your calorie intake.

  • Various studies have found that women who had regularlyconsumed the greatest amounts of saturated fats had the leastamount of additional atherosclerotic plaque buildup in theirarteries. Also, women who ate more saturated fat had a healthierbalance of HDL and LDL cholesterol, and more desirable bloodserum concentrations of triglycerides and free fatty acids. You want to try and make your diet as lean as possible andavoid adding any more fats or carbohydrates to your diet. It isadvisable that you consume at least 20 grams of fiber every daywhich will be beneficial to patients suffer from diabetes.

5 Proven Steps To Get Rid Of Acne Easily Using The Natural Way

Many of us can relate experiences where we’ve spent tons of money on chemical products that don’t get rid of our dreadful acne. Yet, we have long forgotten that often the best way to get rid of acne can be practiced with natural remedies. They are less time consuming, easy to follow, less costly and no side effects.
Before I revealed the 5 already-proven steps, some of it maybe known to you as common sense yet not followed, while the rest are probably unknown to many since it is not practiced in all family cultures. So make sure you do read with eyes wide-open. Enjoy

Step #1: Drink lots of waterTime and time people hear this, but rarely has it been followed. Your daily consumption of water should be around 8 to 10 glasses. Try leaving a pot of plant not watered for sometime. That is exactly how our skin will turn out; cells dried and dying. With the constant intake of unhealthy food, it is needed more that we drink plenty of water to flush the toxic out. This will prevent ulcer or acne from forming in the inner skin.

Step #2: Using of natural spices onto acneMixing nutmeg powder with non-boil milk helps cure acne when applied regularly. This works like magic and acne usually disappear without leaving marks. An alternate way is to make a paste out of honey and cinnamon mixture. This works best when apply the night before. Repeating the process for at least 1 week onto acnes and they will be gone forever.

Step #3: Using of natural herb onto acneFenugreek leaves are usually taken and being crushed into a paste-like form. This remedy provides as great prevention from breakouts. You should apply them on infected areas the night before, followed by washing it off with warm water the next morning.

Step #4: Hot and cold compressionThis is a natural chief remedy. It helps to reduce swelling and eliminate clogged pores. Use a hot and cold towel for compressing. When hot towel touches the skin, pores open wider and cleansing can be done more thoroughly. Pores will minimize again when being washed with cold water or wet towel.

Step #5: Using of natural juice and oilThe may seem odd using natural oil substances like almond oil. But it is this great remedy that actually helps to remove acne scars. Definitely an important note to be taken.Citric fruit juices like lemon are extremely good for natural skin exfoliation. The removal of dead skin cells should be done 2-3 times a week to prevent clogging of pores. It also aids in new cells generating so that your skin looks more radiant.
Try these methods today!

Natural ways to lower Cholesterol

  • Perhaps your cholesterol numbers are a bit too high for the doctor’s liking. He or she may want to put you on medication to ensure that the numbers go down. You may want to try a few natural ways to lower cholesterol before you take any prescribed medications to see if it has any effect on getting your cholesterol levels to a more satisfactory level.

  • Can Exercise Lower Cholesterol?Exercise won’t lower your cholesterol, but it will bring up the HDL or good cholesterol levels up. You don’t have to practice vigorous exercise to get cholesterol benefits, merely take a brisk walk or a light jogging session for a half hour at least five times a week. Yoga is said to lower bad cholesterol naturally. The reason it works is that it reduces hormones that are released when you are stressed and this in turn will lower your cholesterol. Meditation can also bring about the same effects on your cholesterol as yoga.

  • Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol with Food .
  • Most people are aware that eating a diet rich in oats can help to lower cholesterol naturally. That is not the only food that can reap benefits for lowering your cholesterol levels. It is said that by eating at least 3 ounces or ¾ cup of walnuts can reduce your cholesterol levels by at least 15%. Eat at least three medium handfuls of this cholesterol fighting nut every day for several weeks and have your cholesterol numbers rechecked to ensure they are doing their job.There are also two products in the margarine family that are said to have a major effect on cutting cholesterol numbers if they are eaten on a daily basis.

  • Benecol’s active ingredient for lowering cholesterol comes from the stanols contained in pine trees. Another margarine product called Take Control has similar stanols that are taken from soy. Both are said to cut LDL or bad cholesterol levels by at least 14% when you combine them with other changes to your diet. What about Nutritional SupplementsTaking certain nutritional supplements is another of the natural ways to lower cholesterol. They are not medications, but naturally occurring substances that are already present in your body or substances you should receive by eating certain foods. For instance, OC MAX is said to reduce cholesterol levels using the enzyme Serratia E15 silkworm. Serrazyme is said to be a powerful tool in not only lowering LDL cholesterol levels but it also helps in the fight against heart disease. It is always recommended that before you begin taking any nutritional supplements that you speak with your doctor. Taking nutritional supplements combined with a healthier diet and exercise can do wonders for bad cholesterol levels.

  • Many times just these few changes can lower your cholesterol numbers to acceptable levels without having to take medication that is prescribed by your doctor. It certainly won’t hurt to try these methods first, and if they don’t work, you and your doctor can work together to come up with an alternative treatment plan.