Use Bananas to Overcome the Holiday Blues

Monday, December 22, 2008

Many of us get the blues around the holiday season. The high-octane adrenaline rush of holiday shopping often ends in existential, crash-and-burn angst composed of consumer remorse and lowered expectations. Although you are surrounded with new socks and pocket watches, you may still feel sad. Well, now there is an all-natural cure for the holidays blues: Bananas!
That's right. The food that looks like a finger is the food that can help you get through the dark after-Christmas blues. Bananas contain tryptophan. Which, according to science, can help the body manufacture serotonin, a naturally occurring relaxant. Low levels of serotonin often go hand in hand with depression. An increase in your banana intake may be just what you need to get happy after the holidays.
Tryptophan is said to work best on an empty stomach. So the next time you're hungry and sad, grab a banana. If you are sad because you are hungry, it's a win-win situation. Bananas are all natural and have very little packaging waste.
If you suffer from serious depression, see a doctor. Bananas are a tasty snack that may help a few recover from a downswing of mood, but they are no substitute for competent medical help.

Black Pepper to cuts

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Alternative medicines are gaining in popularity as we become aware of all the possibilities inherent in the herbs and spices that surround us. Black pepper is one such spice that has medicinal properties. Below is a look at how you can use black pepper to stop bleeding and help heal your cuts.InstructionsDifficulty: Easy

Step1. Rinse the cut. Make sure to get rid of any dirt or foreign matter that you might find. Be sure to cleanse it thoroughly before doing anything that might press infectious material further into the cut.

Step2. Dab up any bleeding as best you can with a clean, sterile cloth or paper towel. If possible, keep the affected body part elevated; gravity will help stop the bleeding during this part of your treatment.

Step3. .Put black pepper on the cut. Ground black pepper is ideal for this, whether from the kitchen shaker or from packets of black pepper.

Step4. Bandage securely. Depending on the size of the cut, use a normal adhesive strip, or, if necessary, adhesive tape with gauze. Be sure to cover all areas of the cut to help stop the bleeding and to keep out dirt and germs. Step5 Check the cut daily to monitor healing. With one application you should see significant progress such that you shouldn't have to repeat the process. You will notice that the black pepper has the effect of stopping the bleeding while assuring that the cut heals, often without much indication of scarring. Tips & WarningsSerious cuts may require the attention of a physician.( Black Pepper to cuts)

Keep an Eye on Niacin

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vitamin B3 is one of the vitamins that make up the Powerhouse foodstuff known as the compound of vitamin B. Vitamin B3 also known as niacin, nicotinic acid and niacinamide and services many vital purposes in the proper functioning of the body and mind.

Vitamin B3 works with other B vitamins to convert food into energy. It also serves to regulate appetite as well as the appropriate role of the digestive system. Its primary tasks within the digestive system are related to controlling the level at which secrete bile and other fluids in the stomach.

Among the other important contributions that Vitamin B3 makes to the good health of the body is the essential role it plays in the respiration of cells its role in maintaining the healthy nervous system and its relation to the production of hormones associated with reproduction . Does vitamin B3 is also important for the health of the body's largest organ? the skin.

Vitamin B3 plays an important role in mental health and recent research has made some intriguing connections between the use of supplements of vitamin B3 and the production of serotonin. Using the Ll-Tryptophan of supplements do not have to be passed by the body in the manufacture of niacin and that frees the Ll-Tryptophan, which will take the nervous system where it is processed into 5-http leading to the production of Serotonin is highly important for the regulation of mood and feelings of well-being. The imbalance of Serotonin has been shown to be associated with anxiety and depression.Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin which means it is washed out of the body via the urine and body must renew their source of this vital food daily. The deficiencies of vitamin B3 can have serious consequences for the health of body and mind.

The symptoms of physical irregularities by someone who has deficiency of niacin may include muscle weakness and a lack of muscular control particularly in the muscles bigger than the masses such as those found in the legs. Other physical symptoms of irregular pains are open to the skin and mouth, tongue and a swollen chronic bad breath, loss of appetite, chronic diarrhea, joint pain, low blood sugar and headaches. Pellagra can also cause the disease presenting with symptoms such as dermatitis, diarrhea and severe dementia. The symptoms of mental deficiencies caused by a severe lack of niacin in the body include depression, fatigue and insomnia. Insomnia makes all the other symptoms of physical and mental absolutely far more difficult to bear.Dietary supplements are a safe and effective way to be sure that you solve the daily recommended requirements of B3 in their diet. However, it is important to use dietary supplements as the standard dose levels as taking too much can cause other health problems that one is really serious in nature. There are cases in which such doses above that standards can be recommended to combat the symptoms have been caused by deficiencies. However, taking doses that are much higher than standard levels should be done only when under the care and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional who can see to it that you are not causing any damage. Dietary supplements like the rest of the medications must be stored always out of reach of children.

Have You Made The Switch To Natural Skin Care?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There are many people are moving away from the famous high street skin products and are moving to products that are more natural. This is because they are well aware of the dangers of some of the ingredients that are being used and they do not want to put their skin or their health at risk.

Some of the best products that you can buy only contain ingredients that have been formulated using products that have been extracted from various plants and fruits. Such ingredients had actually been used in the past many years ago and so it seems odd to use anything else, especially when something so simple can be so very effective.

Effective Treatments of Asthma

Monday, December 8, 2008

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that effects over 30 million Americans alone and researchers estimate that 10 - 15% of the world population suffers from asthma. People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. The airways become irritated and narrow and constrict during an asthma attack, causing increased resistance to airflow, and obstructing the flow of the air to and from the lungs.Most often asthma must be treated with prescription medicine. There are two main types of medicines for the treatment of asthma. Quick relief medicines, also called relievers, give rapid, short-term relief and are taken when asthma symptoms worsen potentially leading to an asthma attacks.

The effects of these medicines are felt within minutes. Long-term control medicines, also called preventers, are taken every day, usually over long periods of time, to control chronic symptoms and to prevent asthma attacks. The full effects of these medicines are felt after taking them for a few weeks. People with persistent asthma need long-term control medicines. Some asthma drugs treat asthma by resembling two of our hormones. These two hormones are adrenaline (epinephrine in the USA) and hydrocortisone (a steroid). Adrenaline (epinephrine) is pumped into our bloodstream when we have a sudden fright or emergency. It is the quick-acting hormone from the middle of the adrenal glands near our kidneys. It makes your pulse race, your heart thump, and readies your body for emergency action. In asthma, the medicines which resemble adrenaline quickly relieve asthma for a short time.Hydrocortisone comes from the outer part of our adrenal glands, called the 'cortex'. It is also partly an "emergency hormone" but it works much more slowly, for much longer, and in a completely different way to adrenaline. Medicines which resemble hydrocortisone slowly allow the lining of air tubes in an asthma sufferer to become normal. As a result, your asthma becomes less severe and you are less likely to get asthma attacks. So these steroid medicines are called preventers. There are other asthma 'preventers', but the steroids are the most powerful. Quick relief medicines are used only when needed. A type of quick relief medicine is a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator. Bronchodilators work by relaxing the muscles that have tightened around the airways. They help open up airways quickly and ease breathing. They are sometimes called "rescue" or "relief" medicines because they can stop an asthma attack very quickly. These medicines act quickly but their effects only last for a short period of time. People with asthma should take quick relief medicines when they first begin to feel asthma symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath. Anyone who has asthma should always have one of these inhalers nearby in case of an attack. For severe attacks, your doctor may use steroids to treat the inflammation. The most effective, long-term control medication for asthma is an inhaled corticosteroid. This medicine reduces the swelling of airways that makes asthma attacks more likely. Inhaled corticosteroids are the preferred treatment for controlling mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma. They are safe when taken as directed by your doctor. Inhaled medicines go directly into your lungs where they are needed. There are many kinds of inhalers that require different techniques, and it is important to know how to use your inhaler correctly. In some cases, steroid tablets or liquid are used for short times to bring asthma under control. The tablet or liquid form may also be used to control severe asthma. Many people with asthma need both a short-acting bronchodilator to use when asthma symptoms worsen rapidly and long-term daily asthma control medication to treat the ongoing inflammation. Over time, your doctor may need to make changes in your asthma medication. You may need to increase your dose, lower your dose, or try a combination of medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to find the best treatment for your asthma. The goal is to use the least amount of medicine necessary to control your asthma and to find the right medicine for you.Asthma treatment is a growing field in the health care community. Because so many people, particularly children, are being diagnosed with the condition, a number of families are looking for innovative asthma treatment programs. In general, asthma treatment can be divided into two categories: long-term control and quick-relief medications. Long-term control medications must be taken each day as part of asthma treatment. This kind of asthma treatment regimen is primarily designed to control the inflammation of the airways. Quick-relief medications can provide effective asthma treatment by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle, combatting acute asthma attacks. Asthma treatment involving medication can be taken orally or through inhalation. The most common asthma treatment method involves metered-dose inhalers, or MDIs. However, another popular asthma treatment option is the dry powder inhaler. Nebulizers are a favorite asthma treatment method for children because they're easier to use. One asthma treatment strategy involves anti-inflammatories which prevent blood vessels from leaking fluid into the airway tissues. Through the reduction in inflammation, this asthma treatment method reduces the likelihood of spasms of the airway muscle. While asthma cannot be cured, it can be managed through appropriate asthma treatment. One of the first steps in asthma treatment involves changing an asthmatic's environment. This type of asthma treatment can be as simple as washing bedding each week in hot water, or eliminating pets from the home. Other effective asthma treatment involves using the air conditioner, replacing carpeting with hardwood or tile, using leather or vinyl furniture rather than upholstered chairs and sofas, and replacing down bedding with bedding made with synthetic materials. Keeping the humidity low can be another asthma treatment strategy. Yet another asthma treatment option involves allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy. With this asthma treatment, allergen extracts are injected into a patient to desensitize the person. The asthma treatment usually involves no more than five shots a week, with the dosage increased over time.(Effective Treatments of Asthma )

Arthritis - What Is It And What Are The Symptoms?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis-related disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, that involve every part of the body. There are relatively mild forms of tendinitis (as in ‘tennis elbow’) and bursitis to crippling systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are forms of the disease, such as gout, which almost nobody connects with arthritis, and there are other conditions - like osteoarthritis, the misnamed ‘wear and tear’ arthritis - that a good many people think is the only form of the disease.
How do you know if you have arthritis? While symptoms and severity vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are: pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness and warmth. The disease of osteoarthritis is distinguished through stiffness absent the chills, swelling or fever. Rheumatoid arthritis is the painful swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists, which are prevalent on both sides of the body and are usually worse in the morning. Children with on-off fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and a blotchy rash on the arms and legs might have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. You should call the doctor if symptoms appear suddenly, or if they are accompanied by a fever or rash.
The most common types of arthritis are: osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Osteoporosis primarily affects the elderly because it is a degenerative disease resulting from a gradual loss of cartilage. As a result, bones and joints in the knees, hips, and spine rub together, causing pain and muscle/nerve damage. Rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects those between 25 and 55 years of age and is characterized by a burning, stiff sensation in the hands, knuckles, arms, legs and feet. A pain disorder which is widespread that almost never totally goes away and is thought to be a nervous system that is malfunctioning. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sufferers have fatigue, fevers, joint pains, myalgias as well as malaise. Roughly 30% os the people who have SLE additionally show lesions of the skin and 10% also are afflicted with seizures of psychosis. Even though there are symptoms that can range from on-off pain to more serious degenerative disease processes, this is not a thing that you should have to simply suffer through.”
Local community news is usually filled with “Walks For Arthritis,” encouraging citizens to educate themselves about this common pain condition and raise money for those who suffer. There are times when the best method to overcome this disease is to talk with others who have it and combine your experiences and knowledge. In support groups, you can hear about treatments that work or don’t work. Because arthritis is such a well known topic at this point in time, a lot of new research is coming out in regards to likely treatment.
To learn more go to
Arthritis Products and at Lumbar Arthritis

Have You Heard Of Sebum?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The natural oil that is secreted from the glands within the skin is known as sebum. This is an essential oil that is secreted naturally in order to help protect the skin and to leave it feeling supple and moist. But if a person does have very oily skin then there are two main issues that a person will need to be aware of.
The first will be to remove and regulate the amount of oils being secreted and also to ensure that the problem does not become worse such as that of the appearance of acne or spots.
Oily skin can be a problem for a number of reasons such as that of hormonal activity which is why many teenagers are seen to be suffering from this condition

India minister wants all school kids to learn yoga

CHENNAI, India (Reuters) - India's health minister on Saturday said he wants to push all school-going children to learn yoga, in the hope that it can reduce the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension in years to come.
Last week, Malaysia's National Fatwa Council, comprising Islamic scholars, sparked widespread protests when it told Muslims to avoid yoga because it uses Hindu prayers that could erode Muslims' faith.
"There should be extensive scientific deliberations on yoga. And today I blatantly put that yoga reduces diabetes, yoga reduces hypertension, yoga reduces stress," Anbumani Ramadoss told a regional diabetes summit in Chennai in southern India.
"I am going to make yoga mandatory for all school-going children in India (from) the coming year."
The Malaysian Islamic scholars' decision drew a sharp rebuke from many Muslims and saw Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi move to contain the damage, telling national news agency Bernama that Muslims could carry on doing yoga but minus the chanting.
Adult-onset diabetes has been linked to risk factors like aging, an inactive lifestyle, unhealthy diets, smoking, alcohol and obesity.
The silent chronic disease damages the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves and was responsible for 3.8 million deaths worldwide in 2007.
India carries the highest diabetes burden in the world, with 41 million cases in 2007 and that is estimated to hit 70 million by 2025, according to the International Diabetes Federation.
It is worsening in rural India, which now has a diabetes prevalence of 9.2 percent among people 20 years of age and older from 2.2 percent in 1983. Prevalence of the disease in urban areas is 18.6 percent from 11.2 percent in 1998.
"People used to walk to the fields, draw water from wells ... today, they use tractors and when they get home, they sit in front of the TV," Ramadoss told the conference.

By Tan Ee Lyn

Five natural common cold fighters

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The aptly named common cold hits nearly every one of us on a regular basis and once a single family member has it, it can spread quickly and viciously. While the cold itself is relatively harmless it still presents almost crippling symptoms. The common misconception is that you can fight a cold, essentially getting on with your life and trying to ignore the problem. This is much more likely to prolong the agony as a pose to beating it. In preference to turning to the pharmacist there are natural ways to reduce the recovery time and relieve the nagging symptoms of a cold.

Rest-The misconception that exercise will help to sweat out a cold is misleading. The body needs to be able to fight the cold infection and by exercising or being excessively active you are reducing its capability to do this. Resting allows the body to fully combat the cold virus. The immune system and various immune functions within the body are strengthened or generated during sleep. It is these that will help your body beat the cold.

Water-When suffering from a cold the body is susceptible to becoming dehydrated. In order to prevent this it is absolutely essential that sufferers drink plenty of water. The recommended eight glasses of water a day is the absolute minimum that you should be aiming to drink when suffering from a cold. For this reason, water can help to further strengthen the immune system and subsequently beat the infection.

Vitamin C- It may sound something your mom or your grandmother would try to convince you but it is widely believed to be true. However, too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea and possible even kidney stones. Many proponents of vitamin C as a cold remedy would argue that 1,000mg every hour is not damaging and will help to reduce the time a person suffers from a cold. However, it has been medically proven that 250mg has the same positive effects as any larger dose with fewer and less severe side effects. The best way to obtain this level of vitamin C is through fruit juices because this also provides a good source of extra fluid.
Garlic-Garlic is another age old herbal remedy for colds. It helps to strengthen the immune system and is also a good antiviral. Putting garlic in meals will help to prevent colds and can also reduce the suffering time of patients. The best way to consume the garlic is freshly ground and raw. Many people would find this a struggle, especially because a lot of people eat as many as three or four cloves as soon as they show symptoms of a cold. Elderberry ExtractsElderberries may look harmless but to the cold virus they are far from it. It is a powerful antiviral as well as being a highly effective prophylactic. As an antiviral it can help to stave off the actual infection causing the cold, and its prophylactic properties strengthens and rejuvenates the immune system.
Elderberry- and blueberries are among the best varieties of fruit a cold sufferer can eat for these very reasons. The Immune System’s RoleYou will have probably noticed that almost all of these remedies are strongly based around the strengthening of the immune system. This is because there is essentially no cure for the common cold and we are forced to rely on our bodies to fend off the infection. In order to do this, the immune system needs to be as strong as possible and the stronger it is the less suffering will be required. (Five natural Common Cold fighters)