About Telepathy

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This Free 10 Minutes Binaural Frequency and Tips Page explains about some different kinds of software which helps the brain to enhance its abilities. There are a lot of techniques available on this website, which comes at reasonable prices and are easy to download. One such technique is telepathy. This is explained in detail in the trailing paragraphs.
I hope all of you are aware of the concept called telepathy. However, for people who are new to this term here is a brief description of this concept. Telepathy is the process when one is able to understand the other’s thought process even without verbal communication. There are people who are able to understand what other people think, without directly communicating with them. The scientific reason behind this is that these people might unknowingly share the same frequency levels and hence the thoughts flow through these frequencies in the air.
It does help to know one’s thought process without communication, doesn’t it? It is at this time, that the telepathy software advertised in this site comes to our rescue. It gives various tips and tricks as to how to keep one’s mind clear and peaceful. Telepathy works only in situations where the mind is really relaxed. This software is very easy to download and it come at a very reasonable price.
The ability of telepathy is there in almost all human beings, it is just that we should learn to tap this potential. The mind should be really clear first to catch the thought processes. This software is very helpful to train the human mind and give it a very relaxed state. The telepathy abilities work well in certain frequency ranges only. Hence this software gives a list of steps to help the brain think effectively in these frequency ranges.
There are various recording beats in this software which helps to stimulate the brain to these conditions and relaxes it completely. The brain then becomes oblivious to the external circumstances and focuses only on those beats at the particular frequency ranges. This increases the telepathy abilities of the brain to a great extent. It is always good to keep the brain in a very relaxed state, so that it is able to absorb the frequency signals correctly.
Telepathy works wonders in improving relationships. Just imagine a situation like this. The husband understands what his wife thinks, even without the wife directly saying that to him. He behaves exactly the way his wife wants and gets her exactly what she wanted. Will you not envy this lucky wife who has got a husband who just loves her so much that he knows what goes through in her mind even without communication? That is the power of telepathy. If one wants to improve relationships, focus more on other commitments, bring stability to life and have a relaxed mindset always, one has to improve his powers of telepathy. Nobody is a specialist in telepathy. Some call it instincts, some call it intuition, however, the concept remains the same. With proper training, anybody can become an expert in telepathy.


radha said...

I don't know if one needs training in telepathy , if you know the person well enough, sometimes the positive vibes can be similar to telepathy. But nevertheless a good post.